So tired of the bs


As much as you are supposed to love your family. I am getting pretty fed up with mine.

I have been divorced for less than a year, but it seems like no one understands what I am going through. I should just be moving on and things should be hunky dory.

Well they aren’t. They also didn;t like it when I got with Nick. They didn’t approve of me dating. My damn marriage had really been over for 2 yrs.

What am I supposed to do, just become an old spinster? No

My brother judges the hell out of me. My mom thinks I am ungrateful and spoiled. I found out accidentally that she refers to me as "Diva" to her bff.

So tired of it. I may not be a neat freak and do all the chores, but I definitely help out in different ways. I have been to everyone of my mom’s surgeries except her back surgery a month ago. I have been to every major Dr.’s appt. I have making sure there is groceries and I do all the lifting and carrying groceries around. I run arrands etc.

My ex asshole husband and I are going back to court in Aug. And his stupid gf posted a pic on her FB with MY dog in it. Makes me so sad, mad and pissed. But my family thinks I just need to let it go and get over it.

Those were/are my dogs, my babies and it kills me that he gets to keep them. My dad wouldn’t let me bring one when I moved in here. And the only way I saw them was to go to my old house unless the ex let me have them for an overnight.

However with mom’s surgery, her stroke that happened 2 weeks later and my dad being down, I haven’t seen them in over a month.

So for my family to tell me just to let it go and get over it, pisses me off.

Also my brother can do no wrong and he’s wonderful because he is married, has kids, a beautiful home etc. hehas been hosting most of the holidays and if I have to work, oh well. he won’t work around my schedule, not even once in awhile. I am not asking every time, but he blatantly refused to move it to dinner time when I got off. That holiday his in-laws were not present. Now Father’s Day they were and they come out of town and had to head back the same day, I understood.

then there’s my dad talking shit behind my back because he doesn’t like how I do things. i.e. Run my life.

I just think it would be best to move and cut the apron strings. let my brother pull his weight and help them out.

Tired of busting my ass and being made to feel like a loser.



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June 22, 2012

Big hugs!! 🙁

June 28, 2012

I think that if you can afford it, you should move out. It’s your life, you need to do what makes you happy.