Sometimes I Went to the Office

I’m going after 4 though.
Then she’ll get in before me.
I am completley cream crackered folks.
I’m going to ring her from the bus and be all like Baaaaaaaby can you meet me in town for pick me up or no?
She might as well make herself useful.
My Dad’s pretty steamed at her.
Ma told him the stuff that she’s [Elle] been trying to pull and he’s not happy about it.
Especially as I’ve been ill and on crutches and working and stuff.
That’s why he’s not been down to see me much since Sampa died.
He knows he’s still too mad to come down and not give her a piece of his mind.
My daddy can crucify people with his tongue, I mean really slaughter them. I love my Daddy but don’t go telling everyone that I’m a Daddy’s girl, I got a reputation to maintain you know.

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March 17, 2009

It has harmful dyes in it like red 40 etc.

March 17, 2009

aw on crutches?! hope she picks you up!

March 17, 2009

ryn – yeah, I’m a cloth diaperer…but I’m not one of those crunchy mamas that HAS to have cloth diapers and HAS to breastfeed and HAS to make my own baby food…I enjoy doing all those things, but sometimes he gets a disposable, and sometimes a bottle of formula, and bottled baby food :). It’s all good!

March 17, 2009

hahah ur so cute with your bored ticker making and your daddy girlness… it’s ok to be a daddys girl!