(Entry 16) Bird or Mermaid – Which one?
Almost every night, i run a poll on my Twitter timeline usually with the hashtag if given a chance (i.e. #ifgivenachance). The poll lasts for a day so i have the result by the end of the next night i.e. 24 hours.
Two days back, i did this one – If given a chance, what would you like to be –
a. Bird
b. Mermaid
This question is posed to you as well. Take a minute off and think. The pros and cons of being a bird and a mermaid. Birds fly whereas mermaid swim. Birds have the penthouse view whereas mermaids divulge into the underground secrets of oceans and alike.
The poll result. 67% said they’d want to be a mermaid. 33% preferred being a bird.
if given a chance, i would like to be a bird. It’d be nice. i’d have wings to open and flap, air to breeze through, the lightness in body, the closeness to the vast sky, the aerial view…birds do have solid advantages. Besides, i like jogging. With legs clipped and fused into one, i wouldn’t be able to do that.
So again, among the two, what would be your choice, if given a chance?
Bird, definitely. To be free and soar is my motto. Being underwater is suffocating.
@elkay Welcome to the club, birdie El 🕊
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I would rather be a Mermaid since my name Marina actually means Sea Maiden as in Mermaid
@itsjustmarina Nice. Let me know if you ever exchange a world with Blue Whale. They are another exotic sea creatures.
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Bird. I love to watch the local buzzards hunt. I know they aren’t an attractive bird, but when they glide on air currents with their long wingspan, it’s a wonderful thing to watch.  And hummingbirds when they divebomb from so far up – fun. And hawks when they swoop in to catch prey; they are so on point.
@wrecktangle Welcome to the club you too, birdie WreckTangle 🕊
i have never seen buzzards but yes. Hummingbirds are cute little birdies and hawk is well, the gigantic example. Nice examples! Thanks. 🙂
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Not surprisingly, given my name and my fear of deep water, I choose bird.  😀
@wren You too are welcome to the club, birdie Wren 🕊
One interesting thing i read some time ago. Sky is also an ocean. It is just an upside down ocean. If we see carefully, sky and earth – these are in symmetry. 😊
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I’m on Twitter and will happily follow you on there! Can I post my Twitter account here?
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A mermaid. I would want to be like the little mermaid
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