
How to break students without really trying – ware my glasses to school and look over the top of the frames at them. It is sort of funny; they seem unable to fucntion when I look at them. And I have gotten quite a few complements. Just what I want, the teenagers telling my I look good.

I am exhuasted today. Bad Janet didn’t really sleep last night. I’m amazed I ahve amde it thus far on three-ish hours of sleep. Finally went to bed around 2:30 am, alarm went off at 5:30, but I woke up at 5. I acutlly got my stuff together and got out the door earlier than I normally do. Possibly out of parinoia I would be late to work.

The killer – there are school board meetings tonight. One at 7 I am presenting at, and antoerh at 6 that I probably should sit in on. Looks like I’ll be eating corporate death food on my way home. By the time I get back, I am probably just going to crawl into bed and die.

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November 13, 2006

🙂 Nothing beats peering over the top of your glasses in order to put people down!