Looking back at the goals I set for myself last year, I think I did okay. Unfortunately as I think about 2011 turned into the year of apathy. I just stopped caring about a lot of things because I had too much on my plate. I need to figure out how to narrow my focus down to some simple things:

1) What makes me happy with myself
2) What makes me happy in my life
3) What can I do to help others without damaging myself

With myself, I have spent as long as I can remember hating myself. I’ve gotten better about it over the years, but while I no longer hate myself, I still don’t like me. That bothers me and I need to fix it.

In my life there are lots of things that make me happy, that I enjoy doing – but they get overtaken by the other things that drain me and pull me down. I need to be able to pull back from the things that damage me, let go and move on.

I like to help other people. I like to do good things in this world, but most of the time it has been at cost to my sense of self and sanity. I need to find a balance.

So like everyone else, today is a day to look forward – set goals and resolutions. There are some personal goals I want to set for myself, which I think I will keep to myself. It seems the more people say something, the less likely they are to do it – I don’t want that to be me there year.



1. I will work on liking myself by learning to accept myself
2. I will work on cutting out things from my life that do not help me make my life better
3. I will work on keeping part of ‘me’ for myself

Fun Goals
1. I will participate in the 12 in 12 reading challenge
2. I will continue to adopt Poppets

1. I will take that last damn class I need for my license
2, I will pay off my credit card
3. I will start a separate “girly” blog which I will NOT write about here or post about here as I think that might cause people who ‘know’ me to question if aliens have taken over my brain~
4. I will actually take a vacation – either a trip to Washington D.C. that lasts more than 24 hours so I can take time to see everything and process OR a trip to Alaska – That is if I can afford to do so

I think those are pretty do-able for me. Now off to work on cleaning up my diary a bit…

Log in to write a note

I think that all of your goals are positive & reachable. I really want to complete 12 in 12 as well & have been contemplating a separate blog for sometime. If you like to share, I’d love to read your “girly” blog. I have a not so secret girly side myself. Also I realized I don’t have you on FB. I know we don’t talk often, but I still consider you a friend. If you’d like to share, I’d like that.

But I also won’t be offended at all if you choose to ignore that request. 🙂 ♥

January 9, 2012

Happy New Year, Raven. 🙂 -Xiertic (Yes I’m alive.)