Bebop Music

I think I’ve spent about . . .7 hours listening to the first soundtrack of Cowboy Bebop at this point. Dragon and I discovered that Tylor had it (oh, and the dink also has the first half of Wolf’s Rain in a comptuer video format, had it for months and never told me . . .)So being good little pairates, guess what I burned two copies of last night.

We spent all evening listening to the CD and talking, played it in the car as we went to the store and to the arcade (I love arcade games! I’m glad I have at least one friend here who will go with me!) Listened to it on the way out to my folks today, and I’ve been playing it as I’m cleaning their liviging room and putting away Christmas stuff. My family thinks this is a gat CD – hehehe, little do they know that I am slowly going to brian wash all of them to the awesome power that is Bebop . . . Oh yeah, they are also feeding me sugar, which I stopped eating for awhile . . . damn them.

Good news – I am getting one of my poems published! I left all of the paperwork back at my plcae, so Ill probably write the details about it later. I’m just killing time right now before they give my another chore.

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December 28, 2004

Yay you! =) Which one? Hugs, ~Q

December 28, 2004

Wahooo! You go girl!

December 28, 2004

Sweet, which poem? And how/where can I purchase it?

February 2, 2005

You own the Bebop soundtrack, AND you have a copy of Wolf’s Rain? Jesus, you have no idea how much I envy you right now. Congratulations on your poem. Seriously. I’ve added you to my faves list. Your obsession with my obsessions has intrigued me. I’ll be coming back and reading the rest of these entries soon.