Been Awhile

It has been awhile since I have written here – well, written anything that anyone else can read. I’ve been writing and saving a lot of pieces on private. Mostly starts – starts of peotry, of my thoughts – all things I abadon.

It has been awhile since I have finished anything. The static that was in my head is gone, has been for months, and I am starting to think that it was the static where I found my ideas. I would pull out something that I could focuse on for a time and put it on paper before the static took over again. No static- no writing. Kind of annoying.

I haven’t worked on any of my plays for months at this point. Before, I was having a hard time getting through the subjects I am writing about. If I can reduse myself to tears in writing I can only imagine what it will do to an audience one day – if I can finish it. I haven’t been able to write any decent poetry. Everything has been crap that just annoyes the hell out of me. I have one started that I like – I started it on a good day, but everything started to go down hill from there.

Life is getting in my way. I keep falling into this head-space where there is simply nothing. I am slowly going back to being numb, which is harder now because of others in my life. I don’t want to pull away from them – I care too damn much. Fun switch for the girl who just aobut prefected walking away from those who care.

I don’t really know if I have a point to any of this -I just needed to put something down.

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November 25, 2006
November 25, 2006

I hate hitting a writing slump like that. Seems like my past couple months have been blank, too. I hope you can find your muse again, because I so love to read your work… *hugs*