Rain on Christmas?

It is pouring rain outside – this is a first for the little Alaskan girl on Christmas . . .

Well, I did say I would write about my Christmas party. . . Let’s just say it was fun. There was singing, dancing (my brother just grabed me in the kitchen and started spinning – it was hilarious!) It was a blast – Dragon and Tiger LOVED their presents and Ki and Drew came over, and over all we just had a blast!

There is one part that stands out to me . . . We had a sleep over at my house – Drew went to stay at his mom’s down the street, and I took Ki home, Dragon and Tiger, as well as Harley were going to spend the night. After I took Ki home, I layed down in my room and lit a candel because I was trying so hard not to cry – I injured my knee really bad earlier that day to the point I could barely walk without crying.

I was about asleep when Dragon came in, sat on the floor and we started talking . . that conversation is staying with me, and that late at night (early in the morning) seems to be the best time to have a heart to heart conversation. It worries Dragon to no end that I have depression, and I told him about part of the past – the whole not seeing much value in what I do or even in myself . . . Well, that pissed him off. He pointed out that I make a difference in people’s lives. His first example was me stopping on the street when we were out doing errands to buy misiltoe from someone because they were trying to raise mone. “You didn’t ask any questions, you just bought it, and then bought more – and you didn’t have to even stop to talk to them, and you were nice and smiled.” . . . He also brought up that I’ve made a huge difference in people’s lives . . .Then he got quite, and said that he knew his life woulnd’t be the same wihtout me, that I’ve made a huge difference in his life and continue to, that my friendship means a great deal to him . . .

Not sure of the rest of the conversation, it was sort of sleepy babbeling after a point. Dragon basically told me that no matter what I may think, that I actully have a positive affect on masny people, both that I know and that I don’t . . . Returned to the mistletoe incidant, and the fact that every week someone asks about me at the school, that students want me back there as a teacher. That really means a lot to me . . . A lot of people have told me so, and I am slowly starting to beleive it when people tell me . . that aside, I don’t think anyone as tired and fuzzy as we all were that anyone could come up with some of what we talked about.

Well, during the conversation Dragon laid down on my floor, and Tiger had pretty much passed out on the couch, and Harley being HUGE takes up most of my living room floor, so when Dragon asked where he could sleep I told him he could just stay there if he liked – probably a good thing since my borther turned into Golum in my kitchen for the next 2 hours . . . Harley wondered between my room and the kitchen babbeling . . at different points, were were all talking to Golum, Al Pachino, and Jack Nickelson . . it was bizzar, but we were all laughing hysterically. And you would think, with the space I have in my room (all be it, not much, but I had quite a bit of space because of cleaning) he would possible move a bit, nope, right next to the bed. I couldn’t get up without stepping on him if I tred. And I did when we got up a few hours later, and we were still laughing.

My parties just keep getting stranger and strange, but we always have a lot of fun.

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December 26, 2004

He’s right. You do make a positive impression. I am happy you had fun at your party, Merry Whatever.