I’m mathematical!!!

Sponsor me for the blogathon! Raising money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation!

Time: 1am!

Hours left: 8

I am stoned. Except for the fact that I’m actually not. I am laughing at nothing, almost dying at how AMAZINGLY AWESOME this pizza is, even though it is cold and I generally do not like cold pizza. And then… well I don’t know the reactions to stuff that makes you stoned (total mind blank there!) but I saw Ellen was on msn and then she wasn’t and I almost started crying. But then more pizza was in my mouth and oh god it was so great. I’m probably going to end up eating Jake’s pizza too. It’s just that amazingly good.

He’s gone to bed now. Although it looks like he is playing sudoku on his DS. Which is our nightly thing to do before sleep, a little bit of playing something on the DS. Or just playing something. Or both! I play on the DS longer than he does though, because if I try to sleep when he is trying to sleep… I ramble. A LOT. So I DS a bit instead so when I stop i at least THINK he’s asleep and therefore I stay quiet so as to not potentially wake him and that allows for us both to sleep. It took us a few months to work this system out. A few months of me getting very sad when he would ask if he could sleep and I could stop talking. Late night sleep deprived ramble is also emotional ramble.

I might do a survey soon.

This pizza really is perfect. I’m very sad that my slice has gone away now. There is more in the fridge, but if I eat it all now, what will I eat later? I’m totally over the snacks I picked out for this thing. I want real food! None of this candy crap. I would totally bake if I had eggs. I’m glad I don’t have eggs.

I certainly hope I don’t spend the next hlaf hour staring at the pattern on my ottoman. It is rather prettily patterned but staring off into space isn’t really a good way to stay awake. Or is it? I think probably not.

Remember the good scratching my arm got from the kitties last Sunday? If not, go here. Anyway…. that’s pretty much healed up now. I’m wondering if it is going to be scars or not. I honestly have no problem with scars, I rather like them, adds character.I actually kinda hope the wrist slash leaves a scar, because it kind of forms an X with my veins and that’s just amusing. It’s kinda like how my oven scar makes a divide sign when combined with teh freckles around it. That’s also awesome. I’m mathematical!

!!! = Shaking your fist at something. Oh yeah. Think about it. Wow, I haven’t thought about that in ages.

 I wonder if I can fall asleep with my eyes open. That would be massively creepy. But how would I know? Other than dry eyes….

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!!! *

July 25, 2009

Wow, that’s a hell of a scratch. That cat wasn’t kidding around!

July 25, 2009

rambling! lol

I’m back now… It was shower time.

And clearly that was me, I just haven’t logged in again yet cause I got here via facebook. -L

July 25, 2009

I know someone who can sleep like that, and yes… it’s creepy.

July 25, 2009

ppl can/have fallen asleep w/their eyes open. IT.CREEPED.ME.OUT!!! *brrr* hope you don’t! unless you really need to! hope you can just sleep and sleep tomorrow!!! you guys deserve it!