Magic bananas!

Leave me a note on this entry if you wish to sponsor me for the Alternathon as I raise money for make-a-wish.

Time: 10:30am

Hours left: 22.5

Well I am definitely glad to be back here. Typing in this little entry box on OD just feels more right to me.

In the last half hour I got dressed, went to the post office, came home and got undressed because I was too hot. Wasn’t a very exciting journey, although there was an old man that I passed on the way into the post office, and by the time I was out and down the street turning the corner, he was just to the edge or the post office property. Old people being slow like that makes me sad. One day I’m going to be slow and I don’t like to be slow! I like to make other people eat my dirty. But not literally, because that would be gross.

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OD has gotten so slow :o( Think I might have to go back to Blogger for the next post unless it speeds up :o(

July 31, 2010

Slow slow OD.

See: Turbo-charged electric wheelchair.

July 31, 2010

I think many old people don’t mind being slow because they’re thankful they’re still alive and still able to move at all. ~jo

July 31, 2010

I tried to leave a note on this entry last night but the site wouldn’t let me. Don’t know what I wrote now. Anyhoozle….

August 1, 2010