Am I keeping up with it?

Not as well as I wanted to.  I keep thinking I need to go to the ER and be evaluated for diverticulitis. I had it at the end of November. The cat scan showed a pancreatic tumor.  They kindly pushed me out the door and told me to call my doctor for a special type of MRI. My doctor was out of town, big surprise.  So I did the best thing, I went to the hospital where I have all my speciality doctors. The ER was mad full. Halls lined with people. They put me in a room and then on iv antibiotics and started admission. They did more scan and 2 biopsy’s over the next 10 days. The IV antibiotics gave me the shits. All in all, I got a room and was able to take care of myself with the shits. What was decided is that will have an MRI every 3 months to make sure there are no changes. The antigen for pancreatic cancer was I do not have it. So….this brings me to the possible return of the diverticulitis. I really don’t want to go into the ER again, I know my doctors have told me to if I think it’s returning..

I don’t want to go!  I do think something is going on though. I will wait to see if this continues. Left lower pain, mucous with stools. I’ll not wait too long, don’t want to be as sick as I have been before.  Arghhhhhh….

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