what to write? *EDIT*

really i got nothing.  nothing to write about, no particular problems to discuss, other than the fact that i miss my lady greatly and am trying desperately to find a way to see her again soon.

other than that… i’m seeing the magistrate on wednesday about the speeding ticket.  i had the insurance part dropped already, and now i just have to go in and see if he’ll wave it, or at least lower the fine.  *shrugs*

other than that nothing going on.

but… i feel the need to write.  i wanna write about things i think, things that run through my head.  but they are so fast and fleeting its hard to pin them down and talk about them.  i should probably start going back to the counselor.  i’ve missed a few weeks for various reasons.  i don’t particularly have the money at the moment, but i see a huge difference when i’m going.

i know i’m thinking about things that are detrimental to my happiness.  my lady is my best friend.  we talk about everything, except this.  its not done, its not gone from my mind and i want nothing more than it to be.  i want to not think about what happened, and how it ended… and more than anything i don’t want to think about her contacting me again.

its worse right now because i’m tired and its nighttime.  i’ll feel different in the morning… or will i?  i just don’t want to have to worry about this anymore.  i just want to think about my love and not about forgetting the past.

– noah


the other "she" i was refering to is an ex.  a recent ex.  sorry for the confusion.

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December 8, 2008

so…there was a past with this lady of yours? things ended before? sorry i’m really curious about what this thing is!

December 8, 2008

hehehe nothing to write about??? shoot!!! that’s the reason why i haven’t written an entry since sept!!!!!!! nooo!!!! dont tell me that you girl from you last entry you’re having problems with now!!!! no no no Noah!!! this cant be!!!!!! at least she is your best friend.. and the good chance is.. u can talk it through!!!! no matter how screwed up it might be… yea i’m a bit tipsy…

December 8, 2008

but i’m sure from the drunkness/impared-ness… u can understand what i’m saying!!!!

December 8, 2008
December 8, 2008

how are things with your lady? 🙂

December 8, 2008
December 8, 2008
December 8, 2008

good luck, hun.

December 8, 2008

where does your girly friend live? I must have missed that…?

December 8, 2008

🙂 Hope things turn out for the best.

December 8, 2008

sshhhh… I was trying to do all new pictures, but I’m at school and don’t have my computer… ha!

*hug* hon, she’s going to contact you. things ended suckish. but you know you have tons of people here for you.

December 8, 2008

RYN: But, erm. I’m not anyone’s mother. I can’t control what they do with their room. I’m not going to walk in and be like, take that down, blah blah. It’s just like, I got in trouble for something that I had nothing to do with, which isn’t fair.

December 8, 2008


December 8, 2008

RYN: But, here’s the thing, no one in there was doing anything illegal. None of us even realized the smoke detector was covered up. We weren’t actually smoking at all, so we’re being accused of things that none of us did. And we had just walked in, we were in there for about two minutes before the RA’s came.

December 8, 2008

RYN: I don’t think their job is that hard. All they do, at least the ones here, are write people up and hold a meeting once a month, pretty much.

December 8, 2008

How intricate could it possibly be? And my school is worth something, it’s a pretty fly school.

December 9, 2008

Your note made me laugh, out loud. haha. You can’t divorse a friend, its against the rules. lol L

December 9, 2008

ryn// Aw thanks. I wish I were better at playing though. I hope when I move I will have more free time to practice. 🙂

December 9, 2008

Hey, it’s your diary – blargh as necessary. 🙂 Exes can be irritating things to deal with in a new relationship, though, I hear you on that one. Hope it sorts itself out.

I’m working on an interstellar teleportation device of awesomeness. As soon as I perfect it, and the things I’m trying to teleport don’t turn in to mush, I’ll let you borrow it to see your lady.

December 10, 2008

ryn: Thank you, thank you, thank you! 🙂 *bows* PS: I miss you too! But you’re online now, so yay! 😀 *runs away to annoy you*

December 10, 2008

*boo* 🙂

December 11, 2008

Yeah forget the fact that I have you on facebook and we could still be keeping tabs on eachother there….so not the same! LOL

December 11, 2008

RYN: epic fail is right! Hahahahahahahah awesome!now you know where to find me next time I go MIA