Prostrate Exam

We have found that a good method of keeping our heads out of our asses, and or removing it post haste, is a daily prostrate exam.
The moral reductionism I played with this time has reaped a lot of benefits, or I’m just having a great year. Clarity is high, noise level is low. I’m apparently able to traverse the levels at will, upon my awareness being brought to the state change being desired. H. remarks that it appears authentic. I can only ever state what I am experiencing, but She validates what I feel to be experiencing at least to the metric that I appear to be experiencing it, and I appear to believe it, and I appear to not be lying to myself or Her. This is a lot of suppositions. We treat this all as Noise. If it is possible then we do not rule it out. We were asked how to keep all the possibilities in our head; it was hard until we reversed the polarity; now we use NAND gates instead of AND gates; functionally similar and all circuits are transmogrifiable, but there are times when it is MUAH! Just the fucking thing to turn around and go backwards. hahahaha
Clarity is good. It has been so noisy where I am now. How do you hold all possibilities in your head without it becoming noise? (nice post, btw)
@southernbird ironically, perhaps, it is easier than it would seem. I only have to remember the IMPOSSIBILITIES. Everything else is just in the Flow. I pick it up when I need it.
Oh, and since I also learned that any problem I choose not to deal with can be treated categorically as simply the environment, simply the circumstances of the mission, it made the discernment of not only the possible AND desirable but also how good it all already is, thus charging the battery for when the Will finds something it wishes to alter. The duality between it is already perfect and I can change it if I am clever is a nice balance beam over which to traverse this life, we think.
More to your point, if it gets noisy, find a bigger headspace. There are techniques I can share that helped me, but it is all observational and anecdotal unless it is experienced.
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What are your techniques for a bigger headspace?
And nice, treating problems you can’t deal with at the moment as just circumstances. Helps things not be as overwhelming, eh?
@southernbird I think I shall answer in the form of a post, as the extra formatting might be fun. As you asked the question and I will use this if I publish, you get to give me some editing directions. You want footnotes and academia style or sitting around a campfire smoking a bowl style?
@southernbird and yes, learning to be not overwhelmed with all the input from the inside was useful practice to not being overwhelmed with all the input from the outside. This is the q-point, the quiescent point, in electronics, where the speakers crack and pop because they are not like the amplifier and cannot go to 11.
@southernbird and spoiler alert, not just problems. The real trick is in using constructor theory of morality (c) and applied to actions and outcomes alike. To whit, group as many things together as possible, this is chunking from a memory perspective but in a higher dimensional way. Like a meme holds a thousand words, so store the meme not the text, unless the text compresses better.
This is also memory palace work and Magnum Opus. This is Cornell Compression and Feynman Calculus. These are my names I give them, but I have not published yet. Feynman would never name something after himself, and Chris was the best meaning compressor I ever listened to.
This assumes the purpose for more headspace is to think of more things. There are other use cases for which there are more direct efforts, but this clears the existing processes for more useful work, we think
@sisyphus @southernbird Well said. I was going to point out the volume knob. When we turn down the volume, we change the scale, but the noise remains. By reducing the 3D “volume” of the noise, we make more space, without losing realtime access to all the information.
Unless you are slightly deaf. I like the volume a little louder because I like to hear the details of the twang in the guitar, and the rattle of the snare. But then I turn the volume back down so I can do, focus on, other things. Which I think you expound upon quite well below, Sisyphus.
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