We are all wrong

The only question to ask is this: What can we know for sure? The answer to that, friend, is mighty little, unless you are busy with sciency shit all the live long day.  No, most people do indeed take science on faith, but not in the way that a fundamentalist will say it, you know, with a wink in their eye because they know it will trigger your little atheist mind?

Now this is not to say that I think we should not try to know, I certainly try to know by direct experience as much as possible.  But one can learn from others and know by proxy as often as possible makes for decent validation of efforts.  There is a reason that it is against federal law to deny workers the right to discuss their compensation but look   what they can do when they make you sign a form accepting their HR handout that says you won’t.  We all fuck ourselves with EULA’s.  This is why FOSS was best for so long, til MS adopted the embrace expand eradicate attitude of open source work.  Now the FOSS community is just a source of software that corporations get rich on by telling their shareholders they no longer have to pay developers to build shit.  Welcome to 3.0, y’all.  What I’m saying is that local storage of dictionaries and encylopedia and how to guides is still a good idea, because it is hard to have changed a journal written in your own hand.

To understand a little stochastics is useful to pick the path most likely to cover the most probable course of the environment, in other words pay attention.  Most of us can calculate the odds of some action taking place without thinking; to be fair we often do it better PRECISELY if we are not thinking.  Every dancer or athlete or writer or craftsman or, I don’t know, human? knows what the Flow is even if they use another name for it but…

We all know that often we work best when we get the fuck out of our own way.

I’ve taken it to a new level, and demoted my ego to a less demanding slot, and removed his admin privileges so he has some space to work on his own shit without being in charge.  Why do I do this?  Given the little sad fucker is just the label stuck to some minor process that later carried all the guilt, then he is not the bigger part of who we are.  We are far more than the scared little boy that first learned how to hide when shit looked to go south.  But we for so long instead turned and stopped the monster and then hunted the monster and then stalked the monster until the monster was everywhere and everything and, yes, kind of, it is.

But the secret is that it is ALSO and AT THE SAME TIME the angels, the child that knew how to dance or to run and be free or whatever it is hippy dippy and new agey maybe but in the end after I have walked these paths for so many years trying to weave together into a coherent fabric of cosmology and everything I now think I know.

And it just comes down to recapturing the intensity of a child at play.

Dogs help.

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February 7, 2022

“And it just comes down to recapturing the intensity of a child at play.”

Something I hope we never lose. Is it better to dig in our backyard, looking for it..or blow through the rest of this time and play it again when this side of the tape ends?

If you want to dig, dogs do help. animals could teach us some of what we’ve forgotten. Or more likely, a new way. I don’t know, they are on some whole other level. Maybe we’ll get there someday.

And isn’t that the real problem.. we only think we know. Would you really know it all, even if you lived the life of every human in history?

February 9, 2022

@novilight yes, I think we can, if we remember to never tire of asking why, as well as answering.


The glory of kids is they will quick show you where you are full of shit, which is why adults try so hard to convince them to just shut up and obey.  Or church.  Or whatever.  Doesn’t have to be a they.  it could be a natural emergence based on stupid rules.

I say enough.  I engineered a great life with a few years left with nothign better to do thnn tilt at the windmills and remind people there is a way other than what we have done.  It is an old way,m yes, but I gasve it a modern twist.  I am a prodigal practitioner, if you will, for I finally got my morality memory and ethics where I wanted it to feel confident in doing higher work.

February 9, 2022


it’s a noble goal, to want to work on yourself. and then finer yet to want to do more to enlighten others. what are you doing to accomplish this?

February 10, 2022

@novilight writing, strategizing a marketing campaign to share our ideas, getting back into shape because movement is life, the whole landing party is busy.

Also I’ve gotten back into ritual and energy work I have up for a while to learn here.  I left the path when I learned enough theory for magic is a cheat code like generational wealth.

I wanta challenge.

I’m a full stack shaman.

February 10, 2022

@novilight your responses are layers and we are losing meaning in this format grok?  Your words are precious but we get them jumbled in time

February 9, 2022

THIS:=”Something I hope we never lose. Is it better to dig in our backyard, looking for it..or blow through the rest of this time and play it again when this side of the tape ends?”

What do you WANT to do?  That is better
Will it harm anything without purpose?  Are you sure?

Are you REALLY sure?  Ignorance is a poor pillow for the hard bed of regret and lost esteem when we see we have harmed from neglect.  We cannot trun away and we must consider, but it slows time, I swear.  Pause for consideration is the best magic trick ever.

My algorithm is very short.

February 9, 2022

My algorithm now is a little more strict, that was my algorithm as a leader and a practitioner of high explosives.

Now, I think any harm is too much, rather, I seek to restore balance by doing too much good.  It’s a dream.  A romcom.  But we assert that sci fi should iinspire our tech, but rom com sould inspire our heart.

I never completely believed the stories were not true some how.  ALL of them, like the handbook says.  The truth is in everything, just look closer.

February 9, 2022


I am going to incorporate more considerate pauses and see what the results are. I’ll get back to you on this.

My ego wants to indulge and enjoy. I want to reflect, enjoy, dance and sing too. I want to not be a slave to my work, nor run alongside it.. I want to drive it, be changed by it and change it for others with my example.

I hate that I want things that are indulgent and suppose I need to work on removing this part from myself. How sheepish I would feel to look back and say, ‘ I could’ve done better, learn more, faster, evolve vertically..now I look at going back for a hard run’. but maybe this is is indulgent too, just wanting to avoid more pain. It is the pain and hard work we need to seek to move forward, yet it is not built into us to want these things. so to overcome that first..let the reward be the motivation.

February 10, 2022

@novilight ask.  If I know I will share.  If I don’t we will share the target in search and find it together.  I will never lie to you.  Candor, courage, competence, and commitment.


I’m flawed but focused.

February 10, 2022

@novilight THIS:=””How sheepish I would feel to look back and say, ‘ I could’ve done better””

The electron takes every path.  It learns.  So might we.  This is a nice story I tell, I’m not saying it’s true but it matches the data.

Can we use voice comms some way?  I can give you links to our you tube, it is raw, for the first step is capturing the packets, is you know network analysis.


We love to share what we’ve learned but get frustrated we don’t listen enough.  There is still negative space we seek to see.  We cannot live everywhere ever time so we think sharing is efficient.

February 10, 2022

@novilight THIS:=’My ego wants to indulge and enjoy. I want to reflect, enjoy, dance and sing too’ do you see your self as your ego?  Or is the ego maybe something the self signed to carry all the guilt?