dropping in to update

Ok… this has nothing to do with the entry… I just saw it and thought it was hilarious.

Well hubs is back to work. Since he broke his right ankle guess who gets to drive him to work and pick him up everyday? Did you guess me… because you would be right lol.

I don’t really mind, it gets me up in the morning and keeps me from being the lazy SAHM and lying in bed all morning. I have to be up at 7am so that I have time to get showered, get Nicholai ready, have a cup of coffee and get out the door.

Can you believe it… Nicholai is going to be 2 months old in a little over a week. I can’t believe how fast he is growing up. I was looking at some clothes that a friend gave me, 18 month old pants… I can’t believe that he is going to be that big. I love that he is this little boy right now and I am trying to enjoy it and store it in my memory. And go figure, my digital camera has to die. I’m going to aske for a new one for Christmas, which I still can’t believe is only a couple months away. GEEZ! And not only did my camera die but the washer is leaking from the door half the time I do laundry. *gives the middle finger to electronics*

I have to start cleaning the house because I have been slacking on that the last month since hubby has been home with me all day and we have been spending time doing things together. And Justin is coming home VERY soon. Molly is going insane and she wants Chris, Nicholai and I to come to greenramp with her. It is such an honor that they want us there… it means a lot to us. I don’t know what is going to happen when they move to CA, I’m going to miss them so much.

I should probably get some cleaning done since Nicholai is taking a nap right now… I will try to update more often. And I will post some more pics of Nicholai soon.

photobucket… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true! photobucket… music is my life

lilypie first birthday tickers

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October 17, 2009

I don’t get the picture, LOL!

October 17, 2009

i dont see nothing in the red circle??lol

October 19, 2009

i can’t believe that nicholai is almost two months old already

November 1, 2009

I see a face on the left side!