My Entries Have Not Returned And I Could Not Subscribe

I know that we have to be patient, but I am so desperate to see where I left off in terms of entries, that it’s causing major angst. I’m obsessively checking, refreshing and signing in and out in hopes that suddenly any entries past 2004 appear! I know for a fact I wrote in my diary well into 2010 and maybe onward. My first ever serious relationship is chronicled, my first foray into same sex interests, becoming a god-mother, my first job, my second job, and many jobs thereafter (well, maybe just one other job), a one time rendezvous with someone I went to meet in person after reading their inner most thoughts in OD for 4+ years! So much I want to reflect on. To top it off, the entries that do appear, I come off as a total BITCH! I was awful, so critical, and self-righteous. Sadly, I’m not convinced much has changed.

I was reading entries to my wife that were cringe worthy. I myself was cringing. I did have to explain to her that these were my innermost thoughts at the time, and the people I referred to (in pseudonym form) did not read my diary or have access to it (unless I gave public access to an entry I wanted them to read to spark dialogue). So, there is something to be said for the element of “secrecy.” We vent far more, saying horrrid things and truly don’t hide our disgust. At least I did not lol. It was terrible nonetheless.

Hence why I am DESPERATE for the rest of my more positive entries. The ones where I’m happy, hopeful, complimentary and certainly kinder with my words!

Help me with my OD, OD!

Much Love Always To All My Readers, The Rose

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January 27, 2018

I know it is hard to wait, but they will be here soon! We are taking our time with the restoring, because we want to keep the site running at a reasonable speed in the meantime. Thanks for your understanding!

January 27, 2018

Hey there, deep breath. All will be well.

I can testify that the entries will be back. I had 3000+ entries restored, but I didn’t do it in the middle of a tsunami of people coming back at the same time. I expected a slowdown, errors, and even the occasional crash. This was all expected, and will turn out alright. Don’t worry about the entries we do see.. I promise to read none till you tell us that they’re all here. Deal?

January 28, 2018

@peter_24601 How long should I give it, before giving up hope though? A week, a month, more!?!

January 28, 2018

Peter’s right. Those of us who have been here awhile, we did get our entries back but it’s amazing how many people returned at once. Patience, it will come.

January 28, 2018

I am in the same boat, some entries appeared but not all, and there hasn’t been any movement for HOURS. The ones that did appear, were my VERY first ones, when I was an absolutely fucking INSUFFERABLE teenage girl, at the ripe old age of 13. DEAR LORD. After reading a few of those, I kind of wish I had deleted everything, how embarrassing 😛

Hope your entries show up soon!

January 28, 2018

@wewereinfinite I know! At least you have the excuse of being a teenager. I was in my early 20’s! Haha!