It’s Thursday Already

It seems like time goes faster when you’re off work, than when you’re on. It sucks lol, but it is what it is. I have been on vacation since Sunday of this week and I don’t go back until Sunday of next week. It has been nice to be stress free for a week, that’s for sure. I didn’t really have much planned this week, just planned to chill. I did have a gyno appt Monday, my bday on Tuesday (went to waffle house that day lol), wednesday I got my hair done, today i’m doing nothing and them tomorrow I have a mammo appt in the morning. So it hasn’t been completely uneventful, but I will say I am not looking forward to the mammo. I’ve never had one, but it is what it is. I’m trying to take my health more seriously and actually have preventative care done in all areas. I’m 45 now, so I am told I’m at the age for the mammo and apparently a coloscopy. None of which I wanna do, but again it is what it is. I’ve spent years avoiding regular check ups by reason of anxiety and the fact that I actually hate going to the Dr lol. Thankfully I have been fairly healthy and have never been sick had an actual reason to visit a dr other than just preventative care.

But yeah, it has been a nice week though. I’ve been able to get a lot of rest, housework done, all that fun stuff. I do wish I had someone to hang with this week, or any week actually, but at the same time being people free is nice. Both my jobs require me to work with the public haha, so this break was needed. I still have 3 more work free days left, I plan to enjoy every minute lol. The weather this week has been fairly nice, mostly in the 70s. Today its been rainy with a lil bit of thunder and lightening. I really have left the house today, expect to pick up some packages that were delivered.

Well I guess that’s it for now. Sometime later, I will be doing a lil more job search. I did one application before i came here to write lol.

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