Sometimes I wish I were an only child……

They’re times, like tonight, that I wish I were an only child. My older sister seems to judge me a lot and tries to tell me what’s wrong with me, or what I’m doing, and then tells me how I should be or what I should be doing instead. Then my brother doesn’t really seem to care at all. My younger sister and I usually get along, but my youngest sister drives me the most insane outta all of them. Her and I got into an argument tonight. Yeah, I’m 23 and still live at home which really inhales vigorously, but unlike my 18 yr old sister I’m not stupid enough to move out before I’m financially ready to. I can’t always afford to pay my bills that I have now while living at home so I know I wouldn’t make it if I tried to move out although I really really want to. Anyways so my youngest sister is pretty much spoiled. She gets away with everything and it pisses me off. I get that the more children you have the more you learn to choose your battles which I suppose is why it seems like parents let the younger ones get away with more than what they let you get away with. Well anyways she gets away with everything and I mean everything. She supposedly has a bedtime but she really doesn’t. She’ll get online and my mom will tell her to go to bed but she stays on and later on my mom will tell her to get off and she’ll be like in a few minutes which usually turns into an hr or so. Then she’s suppose to be inside when it gets dark or if she’s going to go to the neighbors or something she’s suppose to let us know since she’s still only 13. Well she’ll go out and not tell anyone and no one knows where she’s at. She’ll even wait to come home until 10:30, but she doesn’t really get in trouble. My parents kinda lecture and yell at her some, but it never does any good because they don’t take any action. When she’s "grounded" she’s really not. When I was grounded that meant I couldn’t watch tv, go outside, have friends over or anything like that. When she’s "grounded" she can have friends over she just can’t go to their houses and they can still go out in the yard and play. How the crap is that being grounded? Oh and I know that I’m a lot older and am suppose to be more mature and all that so of course if I argue with her I’m the one that gets in trouble, but yet she’s tackled me before and I ended up getting bruised ribs and did anything get said or done to her? Nope sure didn’t because I got in trouble for it. Then tonight we got into an argument and she grabbed my wrists and wouldn’t let go and I’m sure they’re gonna have bruises on them by the morning and once again I got blamed for it all. It’s like she can do no wrong and it annoys the crap outta me. She’s so spoiled in that way since she can basically do what she wants and not get in trouble for it. That’s one of the huuuuuuge reasons why I want to move out and have wanted to move outl. I can’t stand her. Well then of course there’s I just want my own place and my independece from being at home and all that, but since I’m a single parent and going to school full time and paying for everything, I can’t afford to move out. But yeah, she’s a huuuuge reason I want to get outta this place too. She’s also manipulative and gets people to feel sorry for her and she lies a lot. One time her and my other younger sister got into a fight and she told the school counselor my sister was abusive towards her and was afraid of her and so they called our house. It pissed my parents off but once again they didn’t do anything about it and my sister wasn’t being abusive towards her really. Well I guess in a way you could consider it abusive like verbally, but usually that’s what happens when you get into an argument/fight with someone. You’re angry and sometimes say things you shouldn’t, but my sister didn’t like punch her or beat her up or anything. Then one night she got into an argument with my dad telling him that he had no right to tell her what to do and she didn’t have to listen to him and went running down the street screaming abuse. Sometimes I feel like I hate her which kinda upsets me since she is my sister (not by blood, but by law so still my sister) and I’m suppose to love her and I’m sure deep down I do, but she really irks me. I can’t stand to be around her and right now I could honestly say I’d be ok with not seeing her often at all. Like I could move out and go yrs without seeing her probably unless she had a huuuge attitude/personality adjustment. I don’t want anything bad to happen to her or anything, but I really really can’t stand her. She’s kinda like my older sister in the sense that I can tolerate her in small doses, but then I needa get away. I love my older sister and spending time with her but after a few hours it’s enough. Except I get along with her a lot better than my youngest sister. Part of it is her age and the other is it’s just her personality. She has a really bad attitude and always backtalks my parents and me and doesn’t think she has to listen to anyone but herself and she always starts arguments and thinks she can do whatever she wants, but I suppose my parents let her get away with everything. The one thing they haven’t done though is give her a cell phone which makes me happy. I don’t understand the whole 12 and 13 year olds having cell phones. They don’t really need one. I don’t think you need one until you’re old enough to drive because then hopefully you’re a lil more responsible because you’re older and you can get a job and pay for it and if you’re car breaks down then you can call for help and stuff like that. But 8 year olds to 14 or 15 year olds I don’t see a valid reason for needing one. They all want one so they can text their friends all the time, but that’s not a valid reason in my opinion. My parents made me wait til I was 18 and I had to pay for it myself and it pissed me off when they bought my other sister one when she turned 16. I understood their reasons which was they couldn’t ever get ahold of her when she went off with friends and a couple times her car did have problems. I was still upset that she didn’t have to pay for it herself and that I had to wait so much longer to get mine (well seemed that way), but I understood it. If my youngest sister gets one within the next year or two I’m really gonna be pissed because she doesn’t need one and she’d blow up a huuuge gigantic bill that we couldn’t afford. Oh and she talks to boys online who are older than her and one time she left the computer to go outside but was still logged on. She does that a lot and then gets mad when other people try getting on it and I’m always like well you left to go outside so apparently it wasn’t that important for you to be online. Oh and she says she has homework and wil just go to msn and facebook and stuff like that and chat. Anyways back to the point I had she was still logged on and the computer hadn’t gone to sleep yet and I just needed to check my school e-mail so I stayed on her site to do it and she was telling some guy how she loved him and wanted to be with him and blah blah blah. I get that people at younger ages nowadays think they’re dating and in love and all that, but I was just like whoaaaa. She also talks to every and anyone and give

s a lotta information out that she shouldn’t. I think I lectured her on it once, but of course she doesn’t listen. She has a bad attitude all over I suppose. I’ll admit I have bad attitudes at times and don’t always say or do the right things, but it seems like she constantly has one. She has  a big ego too and it annoys the crap outta me. I just don’t know what to do about it because I don’t want to constantly be arguing with her, but she makes it difficult not to especially since I’m stuck living with her and my parents don’t do anything about it. LIke tonight she was like you’re not my  mother you can’t tell me what to do and for me to shut the F up. Of course my mom doesn’t really tell her to do stuff either or when she doens’t she doens’t enforce it b/c she’ll say no and walk off or wahtever and nothing’s done about it. Ok I suppose I’m done venting now. Didn’t realize it’d be this long of an entry…

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September 25, 2009

Yeah, it’s odd the different views that parents and really anyone put on certain people and then you end up getting treated so differently than a sibling…