a moment








I have a rare moment to myself to sit and type a moment. 
My interview went well yesterday, I think it went well at least. I am anxious and I will be until the time comes for me to actually get that letter in the mail with my name on it, that says approved. Things seem to all be aligning, and I am super excited to be graduating and move forward with this chapter of life. I have worked so hard to get here, it feels nice to see it has been worth something. 

Tonight I head to Indy to the VA, but I am stressed because it means 3 kids, and they are sick, but the thing about the va is you can’t simply reschedule, so I take them. I was hoping to see a friend, but since they are sick. you know I hate to infest others. There is always next time. Plus, who knows how mr. cranky pants will be. 

Sirris, hasn’t been sleeping, Samara hasn’t been sleeping, and thus I haven’t been sleeping. I am physically exhausted. I am praying for sleep soon. 

Speaking of answered prayers, I have been genuinely been praying for friends. I am so lonely some days, and the ladies I know they are all so busy as am I, and we sometimes don’t have the time to connect like I would like. Well we got new neighbors in this weekend, and wouldn’t you know it, they have 2 little girls 6&7, and they are in therapy like Samara!!! (not autism other developmental issues, its actually pretty heartbreaking, people are evil) I know this doesn’t necessarily translate to a friend for myself, but I was praying for her as well. I am so grateful for answered prayers when you aren’t sure where they will come from. I am hoping this means friends for her, she could so use them, other girls on her level, so rare. 

And with this I need to head out, I am ready to burst with milk… 






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November 5, 2013

Hope that things go well with your trip to the VA. Sick kiddos are always so hard, especially when trying to travel or keep up a schedule. Good luck!

November 5, 2013
November 6, 2013
