It’s Been Awhile

I’ve had the page open, and even started writing some entries but I’ve been busier than heck or had no inspiration to write.

Somethings I am proud of:

There is a newish student administrator named Luke. He needs to spend a week or 2 with each department, learning how they operate and he gets to see first hand how much goes into running each department and how important each job is. Personally, I think all managers should do this – good to see how no job is too small. Anyway, the point: Luke said that at the beginning of each different department they have all said how much I help them. Every. Department. Feels good man.

I have lost 47 pounds as of this morning. I bought a dress 2 sizes smaller than my current wardrobe. I cut my hair, got my nails done to match the dress … and guess what?! It fits! I’m wearing it right now. Feeling mad confident.

Not much else to report. I’m still around anyway. 🙂

More business to get done.



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July 2, 2019

congratulations on the weight loss…I will know how much I have lost on Thursday….

July 2, 2019

Amazing congrats!!