I feel like utter crap….

I think that this cold is a tertiary thing. You know? In 3s?? Like, day one you get the stuffiness, day two the nonstop sneezing and hopefully what will be the last day – the coughing fits and the sleepiness? Or that could be that I got up at 3am for no reason + the clonazepam combined? Could be. Could be!
I’m watching a movie called While We Sleep. It’s about demon possession. Just another of jumy lovely horrors. I have weird enough dreams that I really don’t need that. LOL Last night I dreamt that there were two girls, one seemed slightly Asian and the other was colored. They had two things in common, they had no eyes, or mouth, just doughy pockmarks and rictuses where they should be.
I am going to play the Sims now. Not sure which one though. 🙂
If you are the praying type, please do for me?
hope you feel better!!!
@ostara Eventually, ty. Um, I usually won’t fall sick, but when I do, it hits me like a ton of bricks.
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Sending you warm thoughts and prayers, Sammy. Hope you feel better every day!
@darkmadonna Merci mon amie! ♥
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hope you feel better
@ihavenoarms TY Todd. How are you these days??
@thisisanarchy im good
@ihavenoarms 🙂 Been to any festivals or whatevs?
@thisisanarchy Yes in July it’s your   festival and aug  was the festival of friends and Sep Super Crawl and nov  Santa Claus parade
@ihavenoarms Yes. You remembered! 😀
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