I miss the old OD

And my old OD friends.  I have some of the closer ones on Facebook….. but Facebook and OD are 2 different things.  You don’t vent and “write” about your day or life events on Facebook.  Or should I say…. you shouldn’t be venting or talking about certain/personal  life things on Facebook.


Either way, I miss writing like I used to.  I miss the old OD.  I miss having and connecting with old followers.  I miss letting myself loose and not thinking twice about it.


What are some updates from my last 2 entries here?  A LOT!  I wrote in December of 2018 and March of 2019.


K is a Senior this year.  She will be 18 in 2 months.  We have our struggles.  But she is growing into more of a woman than I ever expected. I’m scared/nervous/excited/emotional over where life is for her and where life will take her.

T is a Junior this year.  She turned 16 in June.  She’s been a roller coaster over the last few years.  Every time I think she is doing good and we are in a good spot with her… something has to come up to make me question the progress I thought we were making.  I fear that she is going to follow in her father’s footsteps.  Even though she wants nothing to do with him….. I see her going straight down that path…. especially lately.

M is in 8th grade this year.  She turned 13 in August.  I used to say if she would’ve been my first… she would’ve been my only/last.  I don’t say that anymore.  We have a very strong relationship, regardless of her father’s(with the step-mothers demands) attempts in the past to remove me from her life.  I feared that we wouldn’t have the bond we do after those attempts…. but over the last 2ish years she has seen things for herself and has made her own thoughts and decisions based on what she has experienced.  She doesn’t hide her thoughts or feelings from me… and she makes me feel like I at least raised one of my children properly.


The beginning of January (4th to be exact), I was terminated from the job that I HATED and was trying to get out of.  I was being targeted, and I knew it.  The termination was just proof of it.  I was terminated for cell phone usage.  It didn’t matter that everyone else, including my “boss” who terminated me, was always on their cell phones for personal use.  I was trying to get out of there… and it was truly a blessing in disguise.  By the end of January, I started at the the company I currently work for, and I love.

Around May, I got the courage to look into purchasing a home.  I didn’t think anything would come of it.  I just wanted to see where I stood, what I needed to do to get to the purchasing point, and start taking the steps.  Well…. my credit was much better than I thought, and everything just started flowing as soon as I inquired… and within 2 weeks, I had put on offer on a house.  Everything happened so FAST, and I became a homeowner on July 1st!  It still doesn’t seem real.


I’m still not engaged/married.  It’s a sensitive subject to me…. but apparently I take things too personal and am sensitive to a lot of things.  I think it will happen… but after everything I’ve been through over the last 10? years…. I try not to get my hopes up. TRY being the key word.


Guess that’s life in a nutshell as of right now.

Love Always! <3

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October 4, 2019

There used to be a huge active vibrant community in OD… It was very enjoyable… I was from those days too. I started ODing in 2002.

October 4, 2019

I think there will be that community again – the last year has shown me that people still find this kind of writing and this kind of place valuable, so I think it will grow 🙂

October 4, 2019

I miss it too. I was so excited though when it came back! It is sorta like reconnecting with an old friend, it might be a little weird at first but then you will find your stride. I hope anyways! Take care!

October 4, 2019

Old OD had the best Community and it was my go to place to vent and connect with so many amazing people. Is this OD still that place? IDK but it seems some of us is coming back for the same things.

Congrats on being a homeowner 🙂