FRIDAY 13th 2k9

Hi Mrs. D-

Well, I just made it back from the west side of the state, and today it’s snowing. Pup had the lead part in a play, and we wanted to be there even though he asked us not to attend because it would make him nervous. At least we were home. He was pretty stressed out.

You sounded so burned out in this last letter. If Mr. D- gets to feeling halfway up to it you guys should fight for some of the fun time – make new fun time. It sounds like you really need it.

NaNoWriMo =National Novel Writing Month. I started out literally weeping the 1st day and then I was up to 10,000 words by the time we left on Sunday the 8th. I made it to 14,000 and the goal is 50,000 so I need to be up to 25,000 by Sunday. I don’t know if I’ll be that caught up but the boys leave for Thanksgiving on the 25th. I’ll be home from the 25th-30th. I think I’ll finish early; the story is finally taking shape.

The green van is “Broken Pants” not the tour bus, but we’ve covered some miles in that, almost 200K! Hubbin fixed a rattle in its rear now it’s got a “thunk” up front. One more trip to Ft Stevens Oregon in Feb, I think. Erda my friend is up to it – haven’t asked Delphyna yet.

Take Care



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