
I’m still dealing with my recent mental health crises, but I’ve started both antidepressants and therapy and am at least moving in the right direction. One thing that my therapist suggested was making regular lists of things that I am grateful for, in the interest of practicing focusing on the positives in my life. Since I’ve been incapable of actually writing an coherent entry in awhile, I thought this would be the perfect activity for an OD entry. So here are some things that make me happy, and make life worth living…

My hollandaise omelet and cottage cheese breakfast

Jojo my cute snuggly cat

Book stores

Warm, delicious coffee

Great British Bake Off


Oregon coast

My best friend


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May 21, 2018

good list


May 21, 2018

I like your list. I like books and bookstores also.

May 22, 2018

Though sometimes it is hard to do, practicing gratitude is incredibly therapeutic. It has helped me through some very dark times in my life. And anyway you practice it – thoughts, words, pictures – it is all good. My love and best wishes to you on your healing journey.


May 24, 2018

@marathonmama thank you, I will keep at it 🙂