Getting the hell out of Facebook

So, I’m back here because I have finally left Facebook behind but I need a place to share my thoughts and this place has long felt like a safe space.  I have history here, made friends here once, lost friends here several times, but it still feels like home.

Why did I leave Facebook?  It was clearly time.  The automated censors they’ve recently implemented were routinely deleting my posts for stupid reasons like “posted to get attention and likes” – as if social interaction isn’t precisely the reason we engage with social media.  Elsewhere, it was deleting anything with dark humor, sarcasm, or satire … so basically everything I was posting.

Eventually, I became enraged at another deleted post and went on a cursing tirade that caused Facebook to limit my activity on the site to the point where I could do nothing – essentially forcing me off.  Odd behavior for a failing website but there you go.

So here I am … again … and hopefully for longer this time.


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August 24, 2023

Facebook is a failing site indeed. I don’t experience what you have, but posts by friends or things I am actually interested in are nearly non existent due to the junk they fill my feed with.


August 24, 2023

I’m on FB but don’t really care for it so hardly ever get over there.  Now that I’ve read about the new regime I’m even less inclined.

September 14, 2023

This place used to be awesome. I hold out hope that it can be again.