My testimony

Life before I gave my life to Jesus was terrible. I come from a broken home, being abused from my dad (because he developed paranoid schizophrenia), and a neighborhood kid.  That led me to making bad decisions later on in life. I started suffering from depression and bad anxiety.  Bad enough to where I wanted to die. The bad panic attacks where so bad that I wouldn’t even eat in restaurants, or get on a city bus.  Stores never bothered me. I always thought that was weird.

I came to Christ when drug addicts moved in next door. One of the young people next door started intimidating, and even stalking me to work. He was scaring the crap out of me. Well I got tired of it, and I knew that there was no way that I could handle that on my own.  I decided to go back to church with my mom.  The moment I did, the preacher that was preaching at the time stopped the service in the middle of it and said “I don’t know who this is for, but someone is scaring you, and I just wanted to let you know that God is going to help you with that.”

3 weeks later the very person that was scaring the crap out of me got arrested on drug charges. He got kicked out of the neighbors house numerous times after that. Plus after I gave my life back to God and started reading the Bible more….. this sense of dread slowly started to go away. And I actually woke up with a song in my head most mornings. And God has lifted my head so many times when I’ve started to get depressed with a Bible verse sometimes that I knew that I wasn’t even thinking about at that time. I think He’s healing me slowly, peeling me like an onion. My life is far from perfect, but I’ve got to admit it is better. I just hope that I start reading the Bible more, and I learn how to pray.

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