Still just trying to navigate my way to/through adulthood...18 years later.

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July 2, 2024
I am taking a stand this year. I am not going to be the one that stands still watching everyone else go on with their lives and be active in the community. I need to start taking the feedback that I am given to heart.  I stay covered up in my bed, hidden under plush…
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Recent Entries

  • All Cried Out
    September 18, 2023
    I planned a special night at our bar for months. It was an adult prom night, with a masquerade theme.  The night before, Hubby and I got into it because he saw me adjusting the knot on my crop top knot and as he was drunk, then accused me of having my top off in…
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  • Mega Pint Monday
    August 28, 2023
    I have never liked Mondays. Combing through some previous entries from when I first started a's more than a trend, heh.  Today is the second week I am back to working the dayshift at our bar.  It's not awful, since it's a slower shift and I do get a lot of things done..but it's…
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  • Still Standing Still
    August 21, 2023
    I have this strange connection with Taylor swift these days. I would say that her albums and lyrics (when not about being famous and rich and in love) are quite hitting.  I also have "this thing where I grow older but just never wiser. " I either choose to ignore the lessons that life is…
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  • You are NOT your irrational thoughts.
    July 28, 2022
    Tomorrow I turn 36. It's a strange concept..aging. We spend so much time wasting our youth trying to grow up, and it takes seemingly FOREVERRRR to get there. But once you hit 25, and your car insurance gives you that responsible driver discount.....well..what's left? You race towards the finish l...
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  • Scattered Thoughts.
    July 7, 2021
    The frills have certainly been removed from Open Diary it would seem.  Reading back on my old entries the other night in the middle of a bout of depression certainly opened my eyes.  I have always fallen in love too fast, too hard.  I can say the same about myself now.  I have been through…
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  • Different year, same setbacks.
    July 6, 2021
    I am told that all I do is complain. That I am constantly negative.  I don't know WHAT I am anymore. Just when I think I have everything all figured out, somehow I don't. It would appear that the toxic person in my life has always been/will always be me. Or maybe I am just…
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  • Nostalgia
    April 30, 2018
    I randomly typed in opendiary, and was prepared to stare at the error page showing the site didn't exist anymore. I was ready to stare at it for far longer than  anyone should. I remember that each day in high school, and in progressively smaller bouts in later life what writing here had given me...
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  • Engagements are tough business.
    July 9, 2013
    You would think that getting married would mean that you are so happy and full of bliss that the clouds open up above you and angels sing and the like. Well, none of that happens. Sure its great and you found someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with. But then…
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  • Winning!
    November 27, 2012
    I am having my Charlie Sheen moment. Minus the ocean of cocaine of course.   Got the job within 5 minutes of my interview today, and now will start Friday. This is exciting not only because I will finally have the chance to make new friends again that aren't crazy dancers (lol) and I wi...
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