I feel that I must identify as "Lesbian" because I am not afraid to admit now that I, honestly and truly, do like and am into girls. My girlfriend, over the summer, helped me realize this about myself and see that there is nothing wrong with it, even though I did at first, 'cause I felt that I was against guys, and I am not against guys, or anything, simply not interested in romance with guys.

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It’s been a while . . .

May 8, 2024
😂It's been a while since I've written, but wanted to let my journal know that I haven't vanished off the surface of the earth.  I'm still with Melanie and coping better with my issues.  We do have a close friend, who visits quite a bit and, of course, spends a lot of time here.  It…
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Recent Entries

  • This is me
    April 29, 2023
    I wanted to add a picture of myself, if anyone was interested in what I looked like.  This is a recent photo, taken earlier this week when the weather was nice.  In this evening I like to go exploring the paths in the woods out back.  I like the feel of the cool air on…
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  • College/Academia
    December 3, 2022
    Hey, this is Misty here.  Just wanted to leave an update for whomever wishes to read.  I am living the "college/academia" life.  I am living with my girlfriend, Melanie, who is a year ahead of me, and more importantly has her own place, just right off campus - and quite private.  Melanie is also ...
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  • The First Entry
    July 8, 2022
    Greetings!  My name is MisyMarie, or just Misty for short.  I feel that I just had to start something here to unload my feelings, especially my erotic one's so I'd be able to focus on things of what I would call my "normal life". I've had a rough past with my dad passing away while…
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