I'm Philip (or phil, philbert, phillium, whatever). I grew up in Nepean, Ontario and am currently studying Environmental Engineering at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. I'm 21 years old and have lately been going through pretty interesting times with my life. I wish I could have started this diary sooner because I moved to Halifax 2 months before I created it and I've already gone on more memorable adventures than I can count! I'd like to log them all in here someday. A lot of times I let such beautiful things pass through my memory without writing them down. But, I guess if you spend all your time typing then life tends to pass on by.

My journal entries may not follow any general theme, as moods do change repeatedly. For the last little while I've kept some co-respondence logged for the sake of keeping in-touch with my future as well as my friends.

If I had to guess I'd say that I'm a fairly jovial, so hopefully none of that depressing gunk surfaces too often. More and more people tend to refer to me as the "guy who always smiles", "happy photon guy", or "the guy who's happy with everything". Well, anyways, if anybody reads this then that would be pretty cool, and I hope they find my life as interesting as I do. And if not, then that's cool too.

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June 5, 2024
m m m “Time” m m m m I cried out to Time, “Why is it you are taking so much from my Life?” m m m m And Time said, “My Dear, I have much to pour into the vase of your life. I will not stop pouring into you, but if you stay…
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Recent Entries

  • Fur
    May 14, 2024
            m m m m m ”Fur” m m m m m You are coming to collect seeds that have fallen. And I see you have been shedding fur. m m m m m Your dense coat is now half gone. What wild has scraped its claws through you? Standing in a sun…
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  • Goodbye
    April 25, 2024
        m m m m Keep searching until you find a person who gives every single one of their goodbye kisses to you with  awareness that it might be the last time they ever see you in their entire life. m m @PHiLo.poema {4/25/2024} m m
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  • How Are You?
    April 21, 2024
          m m m m ”How Are You?” m m m m m She called me and asked, “How are you doing?” mm mm Mm Mm m My heart is broken into seventeen little pieces, And my eyes were closed when you broke it, So I have no idea where they all fell. m…
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  • Wild
    April 17, 2024
    m m m m “Wild” m m m m The coyotes were loud last night. m m m m Insane and wild. Echoing off every wall of this world. Shattering all silence like rocks hitting thin ice. m m m m Piercing through nature like an arrow shot through still water. Haunting enough to make…
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  • Please
    April 13, 2024
          m m m m Please don’t fix yourself too much before you reach for me. Promise You’ll leave at least a couple things for me To fix for you. m @PHiLo.poema {4/13/2024}
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  • Age of Death
    April 9, 2024
    m m m “Age of Death” m m m m m As we swing our doors open, Wide to the age of the death of writers, m m m m I pick up a pen, a typewriter, an empty notebook, a computer phone, m m m m and keep writing. m m m m Not…
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  • Want
    April 6, 2024
        m m m m It’s very simple. You decide what you want, Then you decide that you will be getting what you want. That’s it. m m @PHiLo.poema {4/6/2024}
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  • Chalice
    April 2, 2024
    I take you into my hands, The same way a King holds a chalice. The skin on the sides of your ribs, Glowing walls of the golden vessel. The bright in your eyes, Saphires seated around the crown. I float you to my lips, Senses alight with both eyes closed. I wash your soul through…
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  • Blood Plum
    March 25, 2024
          m m m m ”Blood Plum” m m m m m The colour in the sunset tonight is unlike any colour my eyes have ever seen, Completely new. And the closest thing to what I’ve always pictured when I get asked for my favourite colour. m m mm m m Ever since…
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