Thursday 12/19/23

12:04a.m.My roommate is acting up. I can’t make out what he is s saying . It sounds like he is calling for his mom. He yells out”Mom” “Mom” then, even louder, a few choice cuss words. The aide came in to tell him to be quiet. He settled down  for a few minutes then started up again.

I was sound asleep in my wheelchair until this shit starts.  Yes, It is midnight and I’m still in my chair. This makes almost twenty hours. I had an opportunity to be put to bed at ten last night. wanted to go to bed at eleven. I rang the call lighat that time . I couldn’t make out what she said. She turned  off the light and left.

They finially took care of us I! In bed now. I hope I have a good night.

8:05a.m.I had a bad coughing  spell sho after midnight. The nurse gave me some cough medicine and that helped. I slept fairly well. Only problem was the aides got me out of bed by five. This was way too early. I think I got about four hours sleep. 

I had another bad coughing spell after I got in my wheelchair. This one lasted for about five minutes. I felt sick as a dog after it died down. I fell asleep until they served coffee. I had one cup before breakfast. It didn’t help my physical or mental mood. 

Breakfast didn’t help much either. I got the usual but with a sweet roll instead of toast. I ate it all Chocolatechip called during breakfast. She e is still getting stalked.  She called Xfinity and got a new number. If I need to get in touch I can cal her cellphone. 

The day isn’t starting out very good. I’m going to try and sleep. 

 10:26a.m.My sleep was interrupted by coughing spells. I just got another dose of cough syrup from the nurse. That should help for awhile. I still have a sore throat, runny nose and feel very tired. Also, every bone in my body aches. 

12:31p.m. I slept a little bit. They will be serving lunch soon. I’m having beef lasagna, veggies, dinner roll and pear crisps with whipped topping for desert. Looking forward to it and the much needed coffee.

3:46p.m. I slept almost all day. I just woke up from yet another longer sleep. I had dreams of Chocolatechip.  Her Steubenville friend moved in with her. I somehow got that impression from our last over the phone. This is probably coming from a love sick and feverish old man or I dreamt this. In any case old wounds  opened up again. Wish I could just let go and forget about this shit.

I got to concentrate on getting better. This cold/ flue has taken a huge toll. It has been going on for almost a week now with no signs of letting up. I kind of wish they had sent me to the hospital. I’m not sure the nursing home is treating them is except for cough syrup when asked.  I am getting sick and tired of being sick and tired.  

At least my appetite is good. I ate all my lunch and I’m  looking forward to supper. I’m having potato soup,  an Italian sub sandwich, coleslaw and a snickerdoodle cookie for desert. 

4:51p.m. If  I make it to heaven when I die, I think my heaven would be a  library. This library would contain all the books ever written. My job would be to read them all then write reviews. As sick as I’ve been I’ve been looking at books to buy next month. Here is a brief list of just a few:’

  • Joel Richard Paul Indivisible Daniel Webster and the Birth of American  Nationalism.                                                          $27.98
  • Eric Foner The Fiery Trial:Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery.                                                                                           $18.31. 
  • Lynn Cheney The Virginian Dynasty: Four Presidents and the Creation of the American Nation.                                         $21.98.    
  • Lynn Cheney James Madison: A Life Reconsidered         $24.48

  These books will cost $92.75 plus the New York Times of  $21.99 will add up to $114.74 Ohnwell, at least I never  blew my money on drugs or alcohol. 

It is close to suppertime. Browsing for books makes me hungry. 

7:10p.m. Supper was late. I ended up with two egg salad sandwiches. I managed to eat one. I just wasn’t hungry. Coffee didn’t do too much for me either. I feel dead tired. I sure as hell don’t want to be in this blasted wheelchair past midnight tonight. Despite sleeping all day I could fall asleep now and never wake up. 

I don’t think I’ll be reading tonight. I’m too sick and tired. In fact this has been one shitty day. I wish to hell they would put me to bed now 

10:43p.m. I had to beg the gd aides to put me to bed tonight. The male aide finially did the job. Then he forgot to give me my oxygen tubing. I had to call the nurse’s station and he came right back. This was a perfect day end to a perfect day I think I spent 18 hrs in the wheelchair today 












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January 19, 2023

Four hours of sleep?  Wow…that is just not enough and they have to know that.

It definitely sounds like you have more than just a cold…maybe for sure the flu. You need more than just cough medicine…obviously that is not working.

January 19, 2023

@happyathome I don’t know what I have but it is debilitating. They know about my condition I was tested  for Covid. Test results came out negative Thanks for reading me

January 20, 2023

The Eric Foner book on slavery sounds interesting.  Yes, there are worse things you could be spending your money on.  Books also make me very happy.  I love everything about them.

You should NOT have to beg to be put to bed.  I’m glad you didn’t have to sit there till after midnight again.