People suck

Most people on this planet suck. Right now I am having my I hate people except for a small group be cause people suck. Yep. They are meanspirited, out for them selves, hurtful, deciteful, stuck up, I’m always better then you…suck.

I haven’t been sleeping much since I started working both jobs, or taking care of myself much either, Sunday will be great i don’t have to do anything but chores and only if I want to.

hope you are all well. February can’t get here fast enough, and no it’s not cause of v-day, it’s cause that’s hopefully my moving month.

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December 2, 2018

I find the group of people that suck the most are the ones in front of me in the queue at the self-service till.

December 2, 2018

@rodge it’s the ones behind me who huff and puff and crowd me because I’m going to slow for them

December 2, 2018

I much prefer dogs over people. People DO suck!

December 2, 2018

@dancingthrough my animals keep me going. They dont cure all my ills, but damn I dont know what I’d do without ’em

December 3, 2018

People do SUCK! BAD! I can’t stand to even go out to get eggs!

I hope you are well and I hope that you get to move!! *hugs*

December 4, 2018

@bru8282 can you see my pre up Is entry forvivness and Thanfulness?