I know there are things I just have to accept but I can’t. Don’t try to explain things to me. It doesn’t matter. I am old! That is no excuse! It’s a new world. I don’t care. Certain values should always be the same.
Tonight I had friends for supper. I usually have eight or nine. Tonight I had ten. They brought a lot of food. Most of them eat nothing. I made spaghetti which turned out terrific but it is so messy. I make it in an electric frying pan. I think I should make it in a deep pot on the stove. Next time. Maybe less mess………………
Anyhow different topics came up. One about a granddaughter who was sick and then had trouble readjusting to daycare. It makes me crazy why a little girl less then two has to be in daycare. WHY THE HELL DID YOU HAVE THE CHILD IF YOU WERE GOING TO PUT HER IN DAYCARE? I know! I know! Parents have to work. Yes they do. After all how else can they support their family? I walked into the trailer to avoid saying words I would regret.
I made sweet corn which was delicious.
I am so upset with my son, his marriage etc. I guess I listen to Dr. Laura too much. She says parents of divorce should NOT remarry when they have young children. These marriages don’t work. I think she is right although I know my DIL is determined to make things work. I think she causes too many problems. I think she should leave the discipline etc. of my grandson to my son unless he is not around and it is serious.. Sure he is not half as strict as she is. But her son has migraines all the time. Of course who knows why he has them. Why would he have them over the summer? Is it because of stress? Stress she causes. She is constantly after the children to sit, stand eat, do your homework, take a bath, etc etc etc. They have little peace when she is around. They always have to be doing something! I know she is trying to teach them how to behave etc but I think she is too hard even though she is less severe since I met her. She really means well. She has a Type A personality. It isn’t easy! Anyhow she mixes in between my son and his ex and that has to mean trouble. Again I don’t deal with my ex DIL on the same level. To me she is sweet and respectful. I think she is very different with my son. My DIL wants to be respected etc by my ex. I think she should stay out of things as much as possible. I know what happens between my son and his ex may affect her life but that is just too bad. THEY NEVER SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN MARRIED! Sure they are in love still but things get in the way. Three very young children. An ex…………………
Maybe I will take her son this week. He needs a break from her……………..
I will NEVER get use to this new world.
I will never accept babies in daycare.
I am just a stubborn old woman.
My husband stopped snoring. Maybe it’s time to go back to sleep.
Tomorrow I plan to hang out at the trailer – knitting, napping, playing on this computer etc. Hubby is going to play golf.

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July 27, 2013

It’d be nice to be a stay at home mom in this day and age, but the fact is that things are getting more expensive and the paychecks aren’t meeting that demand. So sometimes the mother has to take a job. Especially if they’re a single mother like me. Life don’t always work out the way you plan to/want to. A “doctor” can’t account for love. If you fall for someone and they’re good, I think it’s fine

July 27, 2013

And that’s bull that the marriages don’t work. Every person I know who has young kids and remarried with their young kids has their marriage work out very well. Children need both a mother and father figure in their lives. Sometimes there are absent parents who want nothing to do with the kid and you find a great person to fill that void. Don’t make it wrong in any sense.

July 27, 2013

Though I don’t believe in putting children in daycare, I also do not believe that it is easy to see “inside” a person’s home or to see “why” they do things the way that they do. Sometimes people have children with the intent to care for them at home and then as the child grows, circumstances change and they need to put a child in daycare. Life happens. Nobody makes perfect plans .

Here’s something you might consider. As I read your last sentence, I quote you, “Tomorrow I plan to hang out at the trailer – knitting, napping, playing on this computer etc”. <—– This is why is is so easy for you to “see” all these problems. You have the time to do that. . Your kids don’t “see” the problems because they are busy trying to take care .

July 27, 2013

I used to listen to Dr Laura all the time. I agree with most of the things she says but I think she is too hard down the line sometimes. I didn’t work when my kids were little and it was HARD but you know what, they DIDNT KNOW WE WERE POOR!!! We made cubby’s out of cardboard boxes.. we went for walks to the park and fed the ducks… they had a great childhood and then when they started primary school I started working and we’re finer than fine right now… But I did re marry when they were little and that’s something I’d probably not do with hindsight (mine are 18 and 19 now) But it’s just so lonely… I couldn’t tell someone no don’t marry because I know how hard it is to be alone… yet if someone can do it, it’s the best thing for the kids you’re raising…

July 27, 2013

in a perfect world….. take care,

July 27, 2013

I wish parents could care for their children and I wish they could stay married to each other too. I think more people could do it if they tried a little harder.

July 27, 2013

We are considered old fashion on how we raise our son. He doesnt have his own tv or cell phone, yes I’ve seen 5 yr olds with them. He isn’t signed up for a bunch of activites and plays outside most the day. He has to say please and thank you or he doesn’t get what he asked for. He will have chores soon too. He isn’t allowed to smart off to us and he does he gets spanked. hes a free thinker and allowed certained things but only if he earns them. A

July 27, 2013

I didn’t put my kids in daycare…period! I also did not remarry after I got divorced. I agree with you 100%, all it does is cause more problems.

Playing Devil’s Advocate – there are many people who would have been happier had they parted ways and there would have been less stress for the kids.

July 27, 2013

I guess it’s a different world now than what we grew up in. And yes, sometimes you just have to walk away. We just have to let them make their own mistakes sometimes and learn from it like we did. I hope you enjoy your day tomorrow and get some rest and relaxation.

July 27, 2013

we can always learn and grow right to the end of our life, no matter what age……but I do agree with you about daycare, especially for little ones. I also feel strongly that the best carer and first educator is the parent. Unfortunately these days many mothers are forced out into the workforce due to financial difficulties…and are often considered ‘not working’ if they stay home to raise children. I believe parenting IS work, the most important work we can do. People struggle to live within their means today unfortunately….and its impacting on the development of the children. hugs p

July 27, 2013

ps….just for the record, I raised BOTH my children single-handed because their dad’s ‘didn’t want to know’ and never put either into daycare. My son spent 4 hours a week in a crèche (aged 2) when I did university studies part time, but that’s all. We struggled financially but, like another noter said, children don’t always noticed the lack of money. I used to make friends with couples of similarvalues so my children always had other role models as well as myself, and we did so much simple stuff as a family it was a wonderful time for all. They turned out well balanced, healthy and happy adults and we have a great relationship still. Rest assured, its about priorities and values more than anything else. P

July 27, 2013

I am with you on the discipline of your grandson. I was a step mother and now those two are more mine than they are their bio mother’s. But it took time to get to know and understand the children, that is top priority. I would say top thing is talk to and get to know and understand the children. You can learn so much that way. You are a caring grandmother, I can see that. Love,

My husband quit his job and started a business when Ben got bit on the face in daycare! I have always paid a FORTUNE for daycare because I didn’t want a shady place. I am blessed because I have all the holidays off with my children due to being a teacher. Ben only goes to care when it is absolutely necessary. Our caregiver treats him like her son. We only have my ex to deal with. He is so immature. My ex is happy that Art is raising the kids so that he can do his own thing.

July 27, 2013

“Dr Laura” has a doctorate in English. She has no psychological training.

July 28, 2013

I quit work when my son was born in ’74 and for a while my then husband worked two jobs so I could stay home with our son. It’s a different world today and I think most mothers stay home if they possibly can.