I am in High School ;)

Today maybe something about my new school?
But first, for those who don’t know how looks like education in Poland.
1) Kindergarten usually 4 years, but for example I was in kindergarten just for one year to pass class "0". Classes: Religion, English, pre-school classes (how to write, read etc)
2) Primary School 6 years (or 7 if school include class "0"). Starts at the age 6 or 7 (I started at 7, because the law is changing and parents can decide). First three years: students have just few subjects: English (not in all schools), Religion (if theirs parents want it), Ecology education, swimming pool, art and integrated education (maths and Polish,). Year 4-6 students have classes like: foreign languages (usually one or two. Mostly English and Germany), Polish, Maths, Science (integrated Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Physic), Religion (if their parents want),  History, Music, Art, IT, Technology. Students can choice some clubs if they want. I was usually attending school choir, theatre classes and European club.
3) Middle School (Junior High School) 3 years. Classes: Polish, Foreign Languages (usually English and German/French), History, Society, Maths, Physic, Biology, Geography, Chemistry, Music, Art, IT, Technology, P-E, Religion. And clubs! I was on journalistic classes and choir.
4) High School 3 years. Classes: Polish, English, Second Foreign Language (eg French, Italian, Spanish, Latin etc), History, Society, Maths, Physic, Biology, Geography, Chemistry, Knowledge of Culture, IT, P-E, Religion, Entrepreneurship (BTW I have no idea how to say it XD really hard word), Defence Training, Society. And clubs! I am going to be attending: journalistic classes, extra English and maybe French, maybe photography club, and film club.
5) University 😉

So in 1st class I am going to have: (E- essential level, B- broaden)
Polish E+B 4h
English B 4h
French E+B 2h
History E 1h
Knowledge of Culture E+B 1h
Maths E+B 4h
Physic E 2h
Chemistry E 2h
Biology E 2h
Geography E 1h
Entrepreneurship E 2h
IT E 2h
Defence Training E 1h
Religion – 2h
P-E 1h + 2h swimming pool

I hope I’ll go through it. 😉

Today morning daybreak (at 7:30am xD) I had blood count ;/ I hate it. But my aunt was taking blood, so it didn’t hurt me so much 🙂
I survived it. XD
I hope my blood is OK and I won’t be needed to take next, different treatment.
Because on Friday I start normal classes at school and I don’t want to need to have my pills with me. Or maybe not too much of them, because I need to take some pills to school (those that I take during meals).

I am afraid about school… About those people.
But I hope everything is gonna be all right 😉

Weight is about 47,5kg. Skin isn’t too white. Yeap! I look healthy. 🙂 Of course my voice is terrible and I can’t breathe by my nose (mucus from sinuses is going out -treatment works; so I am sneezing all the time and just waiting for the end of it) so it’s hard to call me healthy. And my kidneys ;/ They don’t like me. I drink about 2l of water (it doesn’t include juices, tea and all other stuffs that have water in), because when I do it, they don’t hurts so bad and I can move.

I am ending for now.
Have a lot of photos to publish ;D

Enjoy last days of freedom!!!

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