Dashing toward the day

A sort of sanctuary

The silent silk of this night
its sleek smooth soft quiet
I would ripple over your sleeping
to cover you lightly
gently protect what dreams might
visit you in the letting go hours
the time when all your soul’s messages
are delivered into the open vessel
of no distraction

There is a signal recurring now
in the days and nights
literally and involuntarily pouring forth
I would catch it all
everything that needs to come out
here I tremble in the fated need
to receive and open
to hold and to tend and attend
your overflowing truth

It is a late and weary hour
sea and lands sway and stand
so I take the star dusted distance
and unfurl it over a treasure
in my lover’s imagination I see
a safe sweet slow smile form
and in the intimacy that existed
before I knew what you were called
I slip serenely to lie and sleep beside you

A whitterer across the ocean

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October 15, 2003

oooooh – is that you?!! What a beautiful place.

October 15, 2003

Oh C – I absolutely love this – magnificent! The first stanza evokes such a feeling of warmth and calm. How lucky to have a love like yours.

October 15, 2003

beautiful ME! “the star dusted distance” – loving it 🙂 hugs,

October 15, 2003

😀 Is that YOU!!?? Ooooh!!! Is it!? 🙂 ***hugs***

Sanctuary is very nice, most important. Thanks for sharing your poem and photo. That beautiful whitterer looks like she belongs there : ) Hugs and Smiles

October 15, 2003

With a warm smile…

oooooh! goosebumps!

Like the way you gently share Ireland. Smiles and Hugs

October 15, 2003

hehe I was gonna ask the same.. is that you? I love the picture!!

This whitter is incredibly beautiful, Cathy. I love it. So sweet and gentle and softly sad. The photo is wonderful as well. Thanks. Mabel Ann is here on OD now. She will be favorites only — at least for now. No entries yet, but there will be.

October 15, 2003

i dont know that i believe in healing any more. just as things are taken that can never be put back, wounds are given that never fully close. the best that can be done, i think, is to function. but to what end?

October 15, 2003

I love the line “the star dusted distance.” Beautiful! ryn: Thanks 🙂

What Gemma said. 🙂

October 15, 2003

Yeah, what everyone else said…except about the “is that you?” part. (I think I kinda know the answer to that one.) 🙂

October 15, 2003

that makes me want to cuddle. very beautiful dear. take care,

October 15, 2003

ryn: a pure act of love, yes. but, also, i think i’m pretty selfish. i would have much rather been ready for real love. i suppose i am working my way toward that. slowly. ha. :o) take care and much love to you,

October 15, 2003

We need a Closeup Whitterer Across the Ocean next!!!*g* This is lovely!

October 15, 2003

That was soooo beautiful! 🙂

October 15, 2003

RYN: LOL you know.. by the time I got home from picking Zay up I’d stopped at subway so I wasn’t hungry.. but you can be sure I ate those last two krispy kremes, hungry or not 😀

Good morning sweet poet. Thank you for the trust. I’m honored to be included as a reader at Minuet. Lovely dancing name. Hope your day goes nicely *smiles A warm hug

October 15, 2003

Ummmmmmm.. very seductive… Gives me all sorts of delicious thoughts.. Hmmmmmm…

i love the picture 🙂 *huggles*

October 16, 2003

*sparkle* ^_^, I am glad you are here.

October 17, 2003

Lovely lovely pic, ME!! Isnt Ireland amazing??

lovely 🙂