
A while ago I sent off a very long email to a friend. As usual, when I tell a friend stuff I tell myself too. Then I visited the diary of another good friend. Did you ever have a message sort of coming at you from within and without too? Most interesting.

It has all left me wondering why it is so hard for me to do what I must do for the best thing to happen. I am smiling at me (not laughing, just smiling, a bit indulgently actually). I’m very glad I cannot graduate and will never stop learning. Some lessons I really wish I could learn either from someone else’s experiences or the first (or tenth) time around. I am sooooooooo fuzzy headed. When I’m not thick headed, of course. Then again, I rather suspect I am never not thick headed, so the frequent addition of fuzzy headedness makes things interesting to say the least. So the only hope is to keep on going, living life a day at a time and sort of figuring it all out as I go along. Or … not!

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lol..because I wrote a similar thing just now. Yes yes yes!! I get “messages” all the time.

October 13, 2003

RYN: Thanks 🙂

October 13, 2003

whew!!!! huh???

October 13, 2003

They don’t call me XistDENSE for nuttin ya know. *S*

You sound like Monday morning! :-)RYN: Valley of the Heart’s Delight is so much more romantic sounding than Silicon Valley, eh? That’s what it was called before computers, when orchards ruled the day.

ryn..I read it to Chrissie and Charley…Charley said..”Hrmmmph..just don’t turn your back on me. I am a puppy, and you can’t expect me to behave”.

This sounds like a conundrum. Or perhaps a coincidence. Some people can interpret fragments. Others need the whole story…Smiles & Hugs sweet poet. Life is great journey.

Oops…a great journey. Have never thought of you as other than briliantly inspired….:)

October 13, 2003

It’s hard for you because, very much like myself, you care too much about everyone but yourself when in reality you are all you should be caring about at the moment. Oh, fuzzy and thick headed?? You?? Noooooooo :p. I’m thick headed too so it’s all good ;o) I hope you feel better Ms. Cameldriver.

So much of what you write about is just what I need to read. Hugs,

October 13, 2003

Life would be so much easier if we could learn from other people’s mistakes or the first time around like you said… Sometimes I think I’ll just keep making the same mistakes over and over like a song on repeat!!! 🙂

By the way, this is Gemma. Gabrielle and I wrote under Anam Cara. When she deleted her diary, I changed the settings on this diary so she couldn’t delete it. I have no idea why I want it saved, but it could be because I have hope for friendship even though I have little hope for “our” (Gabrielle’s and mine) friendship. I’m sad, reflective, and feeling protective. Hugs,

Are not, are not, are NOT thick headed or fuzzy headed! From where I view it, you do the ODAAT thing really well and get the big picture pretty darn well too : ) Thank goodness we get those messages from every place they need to come from, huh. Hugs and Smiles

October 13, 2003

*hugs* I’m always in a fuzzy headed state

I just finished reading the follow-ups to your story. It’s turning out well. You are a good story teller. RYN: Thanks for all of your well wishes. I guess you could tell that I started the survey off okay and was depressed by the time I reached the end. Oh well, I’m feeling better now. 🙂

Hi sweets. My birthday was last week on the 9th. Had intended putting part 3 up then. Too taken over by other things. Thank you for the lovely note. We never stop seeking do we. A contentment will eventually settle in your beautiful soul. *smiles* Love & Hugs

October 13, 2003

I do not think it is possible for someone who is actually fuzzy headed to leave such wonderful notes…I’m just saying…

Thick or fuzzy-headed you ain’t. You have amazing astuteness (is that a word?)and compassion. Hugs,

After we talked I went and looked at Anam Cara again. Seems she’s privatized my entries there. How come her to mention that diary to you? If an answer breaches a confidence, don’t answer. I’m just searching for clues as to what’s going through her mind. love,

Yeah, I knew you had been reading it all along. We had purposely noted the diarists we thought would like the spiritual concept of the diary so they’d visit 🙂 She just wanted you to know it was she and me who started it? That’s interesting.

It’s cool you and Phyl call each other Anam Cara. Maybe if you two did want to start a joint diary sometime, you could use the name AnamCara (no space), assuming that the other one is still in existence.

October 13, 2003

I think I understand. With a smile…

October 13, 2003

Okay, so sometimes you feel thick-headed and/or fuzzy, but you are in reality neither one of those. You’re just slogging though life, like the rest of us, and it’s not always easy, is all. 🙂

October 13, 2003

in mending.. healing.. *smiles* hope is what gives us the opportunity to pick up the pieces and take that step in continuing. here, when i thought all was for naught, i found words that comforted. and reached out to embrace me. thank you.

October 13, 2003

Hmmm – you are thinking A LOT, Here’s wishing you a long bath, a massage and a nice fantasy.

October 13, 2003

OH no — we have fallen down the rabbit hole!!!! LOL

*confuddled* but as long as you know what you mean 😉 *hugs*

October 14, 2003

Me thinks all the fuzzy thickheads need to congregate and set the world straight!

*smiles* i can relate to this entry. i smiles when i read entries where life lesson quotes are posted. because i read the quotes and say to myself, “yes..yes” and understand it intellectually. but i have found until i *experience* it in my life, i do not understand. so the other day when i made my entry about lessons i have learned, ex: love yourself, cherish friends etc…these are things

that i have truly learned this year. personally experienced. and that makes all the difference in the world, doesn’t it. (((big hugs)))