Mood Swings!

I woke up Uncontrolled Emotions today! I was making Jokes with colleagues! Smiling with every work email I sent and read. For the 1st time in a long time I felt like myself.

I have always been a happy person and cheerful and pleasant… MoiNonPlus just saying it as it is.

But today, I just felt really good! Not sure why!

Maybe it is because yesterday I was so distant from things that brought me down and when I went to home last night, besides saying hello to him and the brief conversation my husband and I had about him drinking, we didn’t speak. Okay so I went to bed feeling real shitty but woke up with a lil COZYBRUSH_DEMO

Even though I feel strongly about what I wrote in my post last night, I am not certain if ‘ending’ my relationship is over. I would like to think that maybe we can get passed this…although this has been an on going thing for years.

Okay up until a few minutes ago, I was still pissed off with him and had no intention of making up with him and stilling the waters, but he showed me a house that would be okay for us to live in should we ever move to the UK.

I know from before we even started dating that his heart was always in the UK and he has always aspired about moving back there and living there permanently. I have never been keen on immigrating…particularly to the UK. But with the state of this country and dimishing hope of better days I am warming up to the idea of leaving South Africa.

But with no Professional Degree/Diploma and also no real desire for the UK I always brushed it off. Lately my husband has been talking a lot about how he has been speaking alot about getting a

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July 22, 2022

It would be scary to make such a big move, for sure.  Will you know anyone there?  Do you have family there?

July 22, 2022

I know a few people up in the UK. Not sure how close to where we would live.

I have an uncle and aunt and cousins (but don’t really know them.) My father in law lives up in the UK. A very good friend of mine and her husband live up there. And that is it.