Making Juice

So, a couple of weeks ago, I bought myself a juicer. It sat there looking at me for a while since I had other things on my mind {like getting over a couple of days in the hospital} and finally, I got out to buy fruit. Now, I DO know that one can juice green stuff as well but since I am just beginning this, I wanted to make juice I knew I liked. Last night I made an amazingly delicious juice out of apples, tangerines and, this is what made the difference–carrots. I know it was the carrots that made the difference because I had previously made an apple and tangerine juice which was good, but not so good that when I tasted it, I said aloud**, "This is EXCELLENT!"

Until I get more experience, I am sort-of following the recipes I find on line. Of course, these are also having to be changed as I go along since , for example, "two apples" in the recipe means "three small apples" out of  the ones I bought! I would also like to find some use for at least some of the pulp. If I was still living in Vermont, I would toss it into the neighbor’s compost bin… Today I am going to try some juice based on red seedless grapes. Of course, some of them are going into the freezer. Frozen grapes are like healthy candy!

In a total change of subject, today is my younger son’s birthday. He just called me and he says he will probably take his motorcycle out for a run…In a week it will be my older son’s birthday.

** The significant word in this sentence is "aloud." Remember, I live by myself and I am not in the habit of talking to myself. Singing, yes, but talking, no!

“That which we persist in doing becomes easier. It is not that the task itself has become easier, but that our ability to perform it has improved.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson







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August 31, 2013

that’s funny… you talking out loud with no one else around. at least, i have daisy i can claim i’m talking to if anyone hears me. maybe you could use some of the pulp in a bread recipe or some muffins. i don’t know how to do that. i’d have to look it up online. take care,

August 31, 2013

I talk to myself all the time.. so glad you like your juice.. I’m a big fan of apple, celery, carrot and ginger..

August 31, 2013

I talk to myself all the time.. so glad you like your juice.. I’m a big fan of apple, celery, carrot and ginger..

RYN – DarlingNikki is at the other place. If you search for her, when you find her name you can add her as a bookmark and a friend. Then (I just learned this morning) when you go to your home page you have the option to see Bookmarks – Latest Entries and then you can read her entries.

Happy birthday to youngest son!

August 31, 2013

I never thought of freezing grapes!

August 31, 2013

It would drive me crazy to throw the pulp out — that’s one of the most important things for digestion! Some show I watched one time (a Jack La Lanne juicer infomercial, I think) said you can put the pulp in muffins, which would be better than bran muffins, I think! I wonder if you can google that.

the pulp is why I stopped juicing. I’ve been making smoothies instead using almond milk. The juice was delicious tho!

August 31, 2013

You really should try talking to yourself more often. Although there are two of us, we both do it regularly. I find it quite calming. However, I am always calling to Paul, “Are you talking to me?” and he usually says “No”!

August 31, 2013

If you have a bread machine, you can add the pulp to the bread dough. I have added all sorts of things to bread dough including leftover oatmeal.

We have a juicer that we have never used. Now, I am going back to school, I doubt it will used for another year. I like reading about your adventure with it.

September 1, 2013

I have a juicer in Florida but didn’t use it too much. Maybe this winter.