More “Stuff”

  • Tomorrow I have to go fasting to a local "Health Complex" to give blood. No big problem—except that I am very irritable if I can’t eat when I get up! But I am thankful that since this new complex just opened,  I do have a lab so close…
  • Yesterday I juiced cantaloupe and strawberries together. It was very nice. And these home-made juices are doing Good Things for my digestive system… {This bit could SO become a TMI entry! }
  • On Thursday I am going to get my hearing checked. The more I pay attention to what I AM hearing, the more I realize what I am not hearing. I have to say that I will be THRILLED if it turns out to be a wax buildup and not something I need hearing aids for…
  • I have a 20% off coupon from  Michael’s. I may go over there and look at what they have available.
  • One thing I DO have to do today is to take out the trash. I have no problem with recyclable stuff because that stuff is usually clean, but I hate the non-recycleable stuff which is very often drippy and smelly. And sometimes needs to be double-bagged because I pack the bag as tight as I can. {Yes, I know I am sounding like the save-the-world-by-using-our-trash-bags commercial}
  • Physical therapy exercises at home are still ongoing. It is just that I am not talking about it so much.
  • I am still reading my way through Craig Johnson’s Longmire books. I actually watched an episode on the TV a week or so ago but I won’t watch more. The books are much better. I was wondering how the TV episodes were managing the first person point of view that for me make the books so interesting. Well, the TV episodes manage it by totally ignoring it.

On with the day…

“That which we persist in doing becomes easier. It is not that the task itself has become easier, but that our ability to perform it has improved.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson







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September 2, 2013

Hoping for earwax! Wow, I never thought I’d say THAT in my lifetime! LOL!

September 2, 2013

hope your ears are full of earwax!! just looked up the longmire books on barnes and noble they are expensive even for paperbacks. gonna go check on amazon and see what they are there. good grief! they are expensive there, too. will see what’s at the library. i’ve been doing my p/t at home, too but am having difficulty with them cause my back/hip is hurting on the right side. i’ve been moving around and stretching hoping to ease the pain but so far no go. i have a fasting 3:30 lab appointment next thursday. i’m gonna be pretty hungry by the time 3:30 comes around. there will be food in my car waiting for me when i come out of the lab. think i’ll call tomorrow and see if i can move it up to the morning. take care,

My supposed hearing loss turned out to be earwax. Big relief once it was taken care of.

September 2, 2013

Craig Johnson’s Longmire books are so very , very good. I read them in order from the begining on my Nook including the newest one. Now I’m going through withdrawal and it will be at least a year before the next one is published. See if you can find some of Craig Johnson’s interviews on the net. He is very interesting and personable man.

September 3, 2013

May the ears turn out to be an easy fix. And definiately go to Michaels — that’s a dangerous place for me to go to, so easy to spend too much!

September 3, 2013

Good luck with the hearing check. My son recently had a problem with the ear wax build up, so I hope that’s your only problem!

September 3, 2013

I’ve had wax removed several times. I suspect it would be a good idea again, but I really don’t want to hear any better than I already do.I’m a light sleeper and I wake up during the night too easily!