Shopping & Positive Affirmations

I am trying to get out and go somewhere every few days otherwise I tend to sit around the house and do nothing and that is not good for me. Yesterday I went to Lowes and, as usual, my GPS was excellent in getting me close to where I was going and rubbish in being specific.  Well, what can you expect from a device that tells me the last step on getting to my apartment is to turn left when it is actually right! Anyway, I eventually found my way to Lowes and their garden department. A very nice older-than-me man gave me excellent instructions as to aisle and I came away with a stiff-bristle broom, some air freshener and two small plants {which were on sale with half-off so how could I not take advantage of that?} One plant is an aloe vera. I haven’t had one of those for years so I am glad to have one now. The second is a small ruffly fern. Today I will put the fern into a pretty pot. The aloe vera has a nice pot and I won’t re-pot that until it needs it.

Total change of subject here. I was reading the entry of an OD friend this morning and she mentioned positive affirmations. In the past, I have found these to be extremely helpful in changing how I thought about myself. {This was during and after the divorce when I had a very low opinion of myself .} I found that in order for these to work for me, they had to be very specific in referring to what I was trying to change. The old "every day in every way I am getting better and better" my brain completely ignored. It wasn’t specific enough and neither was it true. "But "Pay attention to your money! You CAN make  your food budget work!" was very successful. Why I am writing about this today is that I am going to do some thinking and make some affirmation cards to help my thinking about physical therapy. Since I no longer have Jill to cheer me on, I need to be my own cheerleader!








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August 13, 2013

Positive affirmations are great. My personal favourite catch-all is ‘I am happy, healthy, wealthy, healed and whole’. 🙂

August 13, 2013

This is very timely advice. I think today is going to be an angst-y kind of day. I need a pick-me-up. Thank you!

August 13, 2013

Love positive affirmations! I have intermittently done a list each day of 7 things I am thankful for. That also gives me strength and optimism 🙂 *HUGS*

August 13, 2013

I’ve been working on affirmations lately too!

Specific affirmations, very good idea. That may even work for me. Thank you.

August 13, 2013

I am glad your GPS gets you close to where you want to go, and that you can find the rest of the way yourself. :o) !! I find that too many days at home puts me into a slump too. Oh, yes, specific affirmations work best for me too! If something specific isn’t cited, I don’t pay any attention to it at all. “Every day I’m getting better in ten million ways!” might STILL not encompass any of the ways I actually NEED to get better! hugs, Nicky

August 13, 2013

i like getting out of the house. even just letting blake drive to the bank is an outing though the bank is about a mile from home. it’s out and that’s what counts. today, i’m also going to the grocery store! take care,

August 13, 2013

I need to get back to positive affirmations.. they do help.

August 13, 2013

I need to get back to positive affirmations.. they do help.