Trash Moving Woes

Today is trash pickup day. So, as agreed, I carried some of our recycleable stuff out to the curb. What I failed to realize is that I cannot carry boxes with only one hand. The other hand is usually clutching onto my cane. After I realized this, I tried without the cane. This was doable but I lurched a lot and felt very unsafe and very VERY stressed. So, after I got back into the house, I sent the landlord an email telling him I was not going to be doing this any more because I did not like the unsafe feeling nor the amount of stress this put me through.

I suggested I put the recycleables out at the bottom of our deck steps on Sunday evening and he could get them out to the curb. Or, I could go back to putting them in the blue bin {which he takes out every three weeks or so and so it is always stuffed full after one week} } and he could put them out. I didn’t actually say, "For the enormous rent we are paying, YOU should be doing this." but I thought it. I DID say quite clearly that I am not taking out the recyclables to the street again because I felt unsafe {especially in the winter} walking without a cane,   and I did ask him to let me know what I should do before next week. If he DOESN’T let me know, I will put them in, on, or near the container we use now and let him pick up the paper that will blow all over the yard. I am SO out of the trash-moving business.

Because I couldn’t get up to the drug store yesterday and because we did not know when or if the sidewalk plough would be out there again, Fred called the drugstore yesterday and a few minutes ago, a nice man delivered his drugs. Very nice service!

What amused me was that I had just finished putting a "please knock LOUDLY" sign on the door when he came! If we know people delivering things are coming, I always put out a note to that effect because when I am in the back of the apartment, a quiet knock is often overlooked. And even though Fred is not to far from the door, very often he listens to music through earphones and thus doesn’t hear anyone. Anyway, I had barely stuck the sign up and had sat down in front of my computer when BANG-BANG sounded and there he was!

Today the temperature is  49 degrees and tomorrow’s forecast is 27. This, of course means that today’s slush will be tomorrow’s ice. {Insert deep sigh in here.}


"There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way."

Christopher Darlington Morley (1890-1957)


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December 15, 2008

*peeks in to see what’s happening with the box!* hugs, Weesprite

December 15, 2008

What happened next?

December 15, 2008


December 15, 2008

I’ll bet you miss your old landlord. This guy seems a little….uncaring.

December 15, 2008

YUCK ice.

December 15, 2008

Methinks your landlord just doesn’t really know how to go about being a landlord?? Is this the first time he HAS been? Maybe it’s good that you tell him these things, cuz maybe he just doesn’t think about them. (I say this, being one who often just doesn’t think about things, myself!) At any rate, I am glad you are NOT going to be moving any more recycleables out to the curb yourself! hugs, Weesprite

December 15, 2008

not a good idea for you to walk without your cane. i hope the landlord will take the recyclables to the street for you. would be nice if he did. that was very good service to have the prescriptions delivered to you. take care,

December 15, 2008

I hate that feeling of unsafe walking on icy streets. nice delivery service- good to be able to depend on SOMEONE!

I’m glad you didn’t fall, which of course could have happened. Where I live every household has their own recyclables bin. Can you call the city hall and ask for your own bin? Of course, then your landlord would have two bins to neglect. Drat!

December 15, 2008

I think that your landlord needs to be a little more thoughtful knowing that you’ve been through hip surgery adn with the weather being the way it is up there, should be more helpful to you. I think it is very nice of the pharmacy to deliver to the door! What a great public service they are doing!

December 15, 2008

I really think if your landlord were a nice guy he would always put your garbage and recycling out for you. I mean at your age I wouldn’t expect you guys to do it. We are always helping our elderly neighbors out around here. I love to do it.

good for you Patricia. You are right to take care of yourself. I hope he gets considerate and realises that by just taking a little care he can really help you…and himself for that matter.

I have to put notes like that on my door too. 🙂

December 15, 2008

Good luck with the landlord.

December 15, 2008

What a snot of a landlord! Grr. I’m glad that you made it to the curb and back inside safely, but honestly, he ought to be the one taking care of that, given that he _is_ the property owner.

How nice that your drug store will deliver! Your landlord should definately be putting your recycleables out for you. Sure, I understand you putting them at the bottom of your steps but for you to have to take them to the curb? I think he’s ridiculous to expect that! Hugs,M

December 17, 2008

We always have our medication delivered. So easy!