Update for Today

  • Today’s final test of the condition of my heart was interesting in a hurry-up-and-wait sort of way. Both Jake and I got a lot of Kindle time! I was the first one and had pictures taken of my heart in resting mode. I actually wasn’t feeling very well because, first I was fasting which always makes my knees feel very shaky and weak and secondly, I had very little sleep which makes my brain move very slowly!
  • Anyway, we did eventually get out for breakfast at Panera. I had a bagel and cream cheese and Jake had a breakfast sandwich with egg and sausage on it. I felt amazingly better after eating. After that, more pictures of my heart this time under medical stress. Anyway, the bottom line is that my heart is doing what it always does with no problems. That was the verdict I was expecting but there is always a little bit of doubt in ones mind…  So, all these results go back to Dr. A. the colorectal surgeon and I have to wait and see when [and where} I am scheduled for surgery…
  • I have a small Christmas cactus here with me. It actually comes from Fred’s very big cactus which I left with my neighbors in Vermont. I have had it about three years and it has bloomed only once with only one flower  in that time. So, I looked up how to make them flower. First, cut down on the watering. The plant should watered when the top inch of the soil is dry. Next, apparently it quite likes to be a bit pot-bound so I will not be putting it in a bigger pot yet as was my intention. In order to bloom, it  needs a cool environment and at least 12 hours of darkness! I was originally going to put it in the utility room but I am afraid I shall forget it! But I could tape a reminder to my computer… Hmmm, it probably needs some daylight.

An emotion is only an emotion.

It’s just a small part of your whole being.

You are much more than your emotion.

An emotion comes, stays for a while, and goes away, just like a storm.

If you’re aware of that, you won’t be afraid of your emotions.


~Thich Nhat Hanh


If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment. — Marcus Aurelius







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December 4, 2013

I’m so glad your heart passed all its tests! I have a small Christmas cactus that blooms like crazy, but it is still small even though it is at least six years old! I didn’t realize that it is normal for them to grow very slowly until I read about them! hugs, Nicky

December 4, 2013

I’m so glad your heart passed all its tests! I have a small Christmas cactus that blooms like crazy, but it is still small even though it is at least six years old! I didn’t realize that it is normal for them to grow very slowly until I read about them! hugs, Nicky

December 4, 2013

Interesting about the cactus. I guess that means mine probably won’t bloom this year, since I transplanted it. I keep mine in a south-facing window that can be kind of cold in the winter, and I only water it when it dries out (mainly due to neglect on my part). It was beautiful last year. My Easter cactus, though, doesn’t do very well. It’s in the same place with the same amount of water, but it really struggles and has only had one flower on it in three years. My mom says that they don’t like each other and need to be separated, and she’s an expert on growing things.

December 4, 2013

not only do you have a good heart you also have a strong heart. my cactus is blooming now, too. it was blooming when i bought it this past spring. i guess i abused it enough it decided to bloom again so maybe i’d take better care of it. it’s slow grower for sure. but, i do love it when they bloom. soooo pretty. i have an aloe vera plant that is a baby from a plant raymond bought me about 13 yearsago. the original plant got so big that it would tip the pot over at times. i do hope your surgery is scheduled soon so you can get on with the business of healing. take care,

December 5, 2013

I’m glad the heart test results were all ok. I bought a Christmas cactus in ’05 and kept it for many years. It got so big it was hard to handle. Here are some notes I made about it: Got a Christmas cactus in December 05 it was blooming. Fall of 06 I put it in a box in the garage so it would have darkness. I checked on it in late November and it was starting to bloom so I took it out and brought it in the house. The blooms all opened but fell off. I read that it doesnÂ’t need complete darkness and needs some light. Also that it will bloom if put in cool temps and doesnÂ’t need darkness. In fall of 07 I put it in the garage for coolness and the blooms started opening in early November so I brought it in the house on November 8 and the blooms opened and didnÂ’t fall off. I really enjoyed it but let it die b/c I didn’t want to re-pot it b/c it was huge. I kept mine outside in the summer and that is when it grew so huge. It loved being outside in the shade. I have thought I’d get another one but didn’t find one last year but when the ice storm we are having is over I’ll look for one.