ages 3-4 My first real memories

so i decided to start at the beginning… I cant tell you my exact age at this point but i was between 3 and 4 years old… My mother and step father got maqrried on my 3rd birthday but i dont remember that. What i do remember is the house we lived in it was white and huge.. there was this man that lived in the guest house that honestly was probably the only reason i survived the years living with my mother.. I can remember he was there but not his name or much else about him. My first real memory other then the layout of the house. Is a preasure on my chest and a voice telling me this is how i show you i love you. Little did i know at that age it was something really wrong. the next thing i remember is the courthouse sitting in the hallway by myself and the first of the long line of bad men in my life threatening to kill me if he ever got the chance i wasnt even 4 years old. That one memory has caused a lifetime of night terrors but ive come a long ways from there and at this point in life have started trying to find that man just to tell him he no longer scares me. Its time to heal which is alot of what this writing is about that im going to be doing..

If anyone needs someone to talk to about anything they read in my writing whether they dealt with it themselves or know someone who has im always here for anyone

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March 7, 2020

That is a really tough memory. I know those words don’t do it justice. That’s very scary. I’m glad you’ve survived it all.

March 7, 2020

@heffay sadly this is just the beginning and not even near the worst of it yet

March 7, 2020

@shewolf83 Have you learned how to deal with it? I mean, would you say you have been mostly healed from it?

March 7, 2020

@heffay im still learning cause everyday is different sometimes its really difficult still but then there are the days that i feel like i could take on the world also.. I guess the way i see it is i will never be fully healed but always healing

March 7, 2020

@shewolf83 I’m sure you’re right about never being fully healed. But I’m glad you’re healing.

March 7, 2020

I experienced something similar as a child. In fact, this family member said something very similar to me to convince me what he was doing was ok. I never told anyone and was spared having to go thru the legal system to discuss it…but this family member tried to kill me on 2 separate occasions. I am glad you are making the decision to heal and sharing your experience with others. I hope it helps you, as well as others! Take care!