its like i’m in high school again!

i’m really excited.  and totally awake.  why you ask?

well, besides the normal reasons of me not sleeping (i.e. not tired, strange sleep patterns…) i have a good reason tonight.

granted, i was excited a week or so ago with certain news i received (which incidently flared up again because i was reading through the score… again… lol).  however, something today has compounded the issue.

what could it possibly be, i’m sure you’re wondering!  well, let me preface…

i went to visit my friends from college, Trista and Val, who are now living together is a BEAUTIFUL home in Seattle (i’m so freakin’ jealous… i was on the original list of people that might have lived with them… DAMMIT!)  anyway, i digress.  i get there and i come in and hugs all around (have i mentioned, i’m a very huggy person.  runs in my family), and they introduce me to their other roommate. 


very beautiful (well… i should say, beautiful in my eyes.  i thought she was gorgeous.  but i have askewed sense of beauty apparently) and goofy as all get out.  not to mention smart (knows german and japanese) and laughs as much as i do!  beautiful smile, dazzling eyes (could have come from the fact that she was suffering from severe lack of sleep), and a winning personality! 

i spent 2 hours with her trying to deduce whether or not she was seeing anyone.  well… i thought at one point in the conversation that she mentioned someone.  needless to say i was kind of bummed (which i kept very secret).  so on my drive home i text the following to Trista and Val, "This might seem dumb, and a little callous, but is kim seeing someone?"  i drove all the way home and didn’t hear anything which meant that my suspicions were confirmed.  or so i thought.  i get into my bedroom and i have a message on MSN from Val that says: "No, she’s VERY single."

needless to say i will not be getting to bed in awhile.  now if only i could figure out a way of knowing if she was interested in me.  granted, she only met me for about 2 hours, but hey… happened to me. 

of course, that would be too much to ask though… lol

– noah

* – insert heavy sigh and starry eyes…

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December 22, 2006

you should definatly ask for her phone number or something and ask her out!! the worst she can say is no. man, i wish i could speak german and japanese xxxxx

December 22, 2006

you should get the gossip from Val and Trista and see what she thinks of you… Or at least get her number/MSN or something just so you can continue to get to know her…. Best relationships start off as friends 😉

December 22, 2006

lsldkfnekjhkd YYYAAAAYYYY LOVE INTEREST! Exciiiiting.

Awesome! Good luck!:)

December 22, 2006

oooh! how exciting!

December 22, 2006

Oooooh cute you are all excited! Well can you tell at all if she was interested? I mean you talked for 2 hours… how’d it go?! What’s she look like!?!

December 22, 2006

Awwww! Our Noah is all grown up! I say get her email or something through your friends… or have them give her your cell.

December 22, 2006

Yay for new cool people!

ah…lovesick noah. :: giggles ::

December 22, 2006

Awwwwwwwwwww, You should go for it!!!! Chemistry is Chemistry!…I hope it was strong for BOTH of you! =)

oh!NOAHS GOT A CRUSH! That’s cute. I hope it works out for you, buddy. Go get her! <3 Chelsie

December 24, 2006

lol…..high school indeed. I kinda miss those sleepless nights where I was kept awake by excited curiosity. Few things rival the excitement of a new crush….

December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!!! I hope Santa was good to you…

December 25, 2006

make a move! but go slow, i absolutely hate it when guys fawn over me. just some advice ^_^

December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas! Did Santa come?!

December 29, 2006

To answer your (maybe rhetorical?) question, I don’t know. I sort of wondered the same thing. And did anything ever happen with Kim?

She sounds like a good catch