The One That I Can’t Figure Out a Title For

Hello all,

Just wanted to update on a few things that are going on around the site.  This may be a little convoluted, and some of it takes some explaining, so hang in there.

There’s been some more people who’ve joined the OD Booster Club – with some really cool promotional ideas.  Thanks to all of them!

Proud Mommy of 2 Lil Men
Puddles ♥

Remember, at the end of the month we will be picking one of them to receive a free OD Plus one-year subscription.  If you want to get in on the fun, go over to the Booster Club homepage and check it out.

One of our Booster Club slogans is "Because life doesn’t happen 140 characters at a time." – which may seem incongruous considering that I am also announcing that I am working on the official OD Twitter page.  Even though I don’t think it’s a great way to let the world know about my life (who really cares that I had pancakes for dinner tonight?) – it is a good way to communicate with our members, and with the outside world. 

The Twitter page follows along the same lines as the OD Facebook page, in that the Admins and I will be using it to update everybody about happenings here at OD.  I know there are a lot of other places people spend their time online, and I just want to do the best we can to stay in touch.

We had an unfortunate series of events this afternoon while installing some security and system updates – what should have been a simple three-minute server reset turned into three server reboots and some service re-installations.  As a result, the site was offline for thirty-eight minutes instead of the planned three – sorry about that.  Good news is that the updates worked (in the end), and everything is running fine again.  Bad news was that the start of the work went off earlier than it was supposed to, and though I posted warnings on our Facebook and Twitter pages, they were posted too late and some people got booted off the site in the middle of doing things.  I’ll do a better job of getting earlier notices out next time this happens.

Finally, I made some small changes to Reader’s Choice today – we often have people tell us that they would like to be able to know if their entries make it to RC, and I’ve added a couple things to do just that.  First, if you go over to the RC page now, there is a link at the top that says "entries written by you" (next to the one that says "entries you voted for").  Clicking this will get you a list of any of your entries that have been on RC (not over the whole life of OD – we just started keeping a complete history of RC entries when we upgraded to OD 6 last year – our history goes back to that point).  Second, if you have an entry that has been in RC, if you (or anybody else) views that entry, you’ll see a "Reader’s Choice" tag in the upper left of the entry.

EDIT: I came back to add this, because a couple people had expressed concern – I will never post news exclusively to Facebook or Twitter, and not post it here first.  I know there are many, many people who don’t personally use these other services (I’m one of them), so your first source of OD news will always be here in my diary or the OD front page.  The problem yesterday was that the reboot went off sooner than it was supposed to, so I ended up posting over there after OD had already gone down.  FB and Twitter are just a supplement, to help us reach more people in more places.


The DiaryMaster

Log in to write a note

i like the idea of the “entries written by you” but wouldn’t it be nicer to have a pop-up upon log-in that says “one of your entries has made Reader’s Choice!” though i’m not sure if this site has the ability to do such a thing, but i’m thinking like a Private Message that pops up with most forums ran by VBulletin.

February 16, 2010

Thank you for acknowledging our earlier issues:-)

February 16, 2010

cool beans!

Thanks for the new changes! There’s one thing other folks have been pointing out on the boards that I also wish was possible. Moderated RC – because sometime last week an ‘erotic’ entry ended up on RC and that seemed very offensive considering all sorts of people use this site, and would find that very obscene. Pls look into it.

February 16, 2010

Ghost Rider has a very good idea! he, he, he … You are so funny today, Diary Master! Who cares if you eat pancake tonight??? Well, I do! Because it makes me think to prepare pancake tonight too! How’s that? he, he, he …

February 17, 2010

i had no idea that od was offline at all! guess i wasn’t here at the right time. take care,

Thanks for the info, DM.

re your 1st note: Oh my, please pop-up nothing! lol. I like your fix. Carry on.

Twitter & Facebook? Yikes! I have to admit that I stay away from both. OD is as far as I go with an online social site.

February 17, 2010

Can you post warnings to the frontpage as well? I can’t access Twitter or Facebook from work (and my cell phone has NO reception, so no SMS updates either).

February 17, 2010

Did you post your announcements here at the site? Becauce I refuse to get a Facebook or Twitter account, so … you would have missed people like me on that announcement … Gah. I hate the so-called social networking sites. And we wonder why record numbers of kids are diagnosed with ADHD. *sighs*

February 17, 2010

I hope you’ll continue to post updates here as well, because I don’t belong to either facebook or twitter.

Thank you for everything. I did notice the outage, but, I figured it was being taken care of, so, thanks again. bighugz.

February 17, 2010
February 17, 2010
February 17, 2010

I have a question… if I am looking for en entry, I kinda know the name of it but am not sure, is it possible, on my on diary, to put my entries in alphabetical order? I know you can alphabetize noters, time entries etc, but I really want to have the ability to do that.

February 17, 2010

Oooh, pancakes! Celebrating Shrove Tuesday?

RYN: I knooowwwwww! I had to break out my Miyazaki box set and watch it last night. *squee!*

February 18, 2010

I have tried your links …. all I can say is f u. You are on the wrong track. Don’t try so hard with your b. s. You might lose the loyalty of members.

February 19, 2010

hey just saw that blogger had this thing where you can turn your blog into a book and thought it would be cool if Opendiary did something like that

RYN – Thank you very much 🙂

Hi, Mr. Ableson, OD Master. :*)) I am looking for a certain kind of “board” or “circle.” I am not finding anything like this. See, I am caring for my ex-husband who is a colon cancer (stage 4, with colostomy) patient, going through Chemotherapy. We live together as platonic roommates. I am making this note private, to you. I hope you don’t mind. In any case, I am looking for a support group whereI can share with others, and they with me, about lots of things, related to this difficult journey. A social worker at the Oncology office give me a list of Cancer support groups in real life, but, they all are kinda far from me. I don’t really want to drive too far at this time. I am able to share on my diary, and all my friends/readers/ are very supportive, thank God. But, I need others, going through this, too, cancer patients or care givers, to share with. My question is: Is there such a thing here, and perhaps I am just missing it? I would really be blessed if you can help me in any way. Thank you very much. God bless you and again I say, thank you for OD and for ALL you do to keep our community alive and well. YOU are VERY appreciated. BigHUGz, Lois

February 24, 2010

ryn : Yeah, I’ve heard it’s best to keep those talks simple with dogs. Mine are usually oftentimes ignored “commands”. Funny tho-this morning my dog DID respond when I growled a little at him. Okay — that makes me sound like a kook . 🙂

I just noticed that if an entry is nominated for Readers Choice it now gets a little tag button thing. LOVE it DM! Thanks!!

My diary cannot show traditional chinese characters. Would you please fix it for me? Thank you.

February 28, 2010

It amazes me that there are actually people that don’t have a Facebook. I’d be lost without OD and Facebook.

March 1, 2010

RYN: Thank you

March 1, 2010

I am having trouble writing an entry from my iPhone. I can pull everything up and can even type in the title but can’t get it to do anything in the body of the entry. Have you any ideas as to what is wrong? Any other complaints or concerns you have had? Thanks.

March 16, 2010
