My march vacations
At the beginning of March I took a vacation with my significant others family to Tampa Florida for his cousins wedding. It was a such a perfect time to connect and grow a deeper relationship with his family so I really valued the time we spent together on this vacation. However, since it was the&...
Santa Rosa Beach, Florida
This spring break my friends and I traveled to Santa Rosa, Florida. It was actually my first time here. There were 18 of us staying in an airbnb just steps away from the beach. We enjoyed going into town and relaxing in the white sand. The water was still relatively cold as it was mid…
Celebrating a 1,600th birthday…
Last week we celebrated the founding of the city of my birth, my ancestors, and one of the planet's most unique and beautiful places. For the occasion, the city produced an amazing video. Click the link, and make sure your sound it turned up! Venezia 1600
Still lurking about…
I have not dropped off the face of the Earth, just been busy enjoying life. LadyWife and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary in Venice, Italy in November. We spent some time looking at properties there, as it's looking to become our ultimate choice for permanent relocation. The pace suits...
Lessons from a LDR
The “Long Distance Relationship”. Something that strikes the hearts of many people who are currently in or are going into a relationship. Most people associate it with feelings of negativity – of regret, guilt, anxiety and most of all, fear. The fear of the unknown always compels us to think very...
England #28.2 – Avebury, Part II and one more Barge visit
OMG, I am... almost finished. So now I'm going to be experiencing the sad end of a wonderful trip all over again. I've got one more entry after this one, the journey home/wrap up one. And that is IT. Finally. (lol, I started this entry DAYS ago. I've been spoiled at work for weeks by…
England #28.1 – Avebury, Part One
I'm making this into two entries because we went to Avebury twice- the first time was the Stonehenge/Barge/Avebury/Marlborough day (Tuesday May 9, 2017; yes I have officially lapped myself) when we didn't stay all that long as it was getting late and everything was closed. Including somewhere to ...
England #27 – a quick pass through Wells, Somerset
This will be mostly pictures, since we didn't spend much time in the very pretty and very tiny town of Wells . Wells is the smallest city in England, with the exception of the City of London, which is technically a separate entity from London despite being right smack in the middle of it. Tiny We...
England #26- Stonehenge and the Barge
Tuesday, May 9, 2017 - we were off to Wiltshire! Specifically to Stonehenge, with stops in Alton Barnes, Avebury and Marlborough. We've been to all of them before, but I can't get enough of Wiltshire, and I think it's safe to say neither can Kim. Or Baker B, who was with us in 2013 and…
England #25.2 – Glastonbury Tor
Onward to the Glastonbury Tor! The Tor is just amazing. In the early 1100s there was a chapel there, which was destroyed by an earthquake in 1275, then was rebuilt in the early 1300s. The tower is all that’s left. The Tor, which is the hill itself, is terraced, and the terracing may be the remain...