Wednesday 5/18/22

5:51am I am up and in my wheelchair. I’m above the dirt. I didn’t want to move my legs because they were hurting so bad. I wanted to use the hoyer. The aide went to talk with the nurse. No I had to stand up. With much coaxing and the help of two aides I got in my chair by ,5:30. Left leg is still hurting from the effort.

Much of my night was bad because of pain. PIn kept me awake most of the night. Then I had nightmares that woke me up. Then I peed half the night. Only good thing was I had a wonderful aide who changed me when I rang the call light. Last night and getting up was hell.

It wasn’t so  bad before going to bed. I chatted with Chocolatechip on Messenger.  She scared me though. She said she was unusually tired since two yesterday afternoon. Drs increased her meds while in the hospital. We were talking about it and guessed that was why she got so tired. Anyway she was falling asleep at the keyboard and woke up choking. I said you are scaring me and I wish you would go to bed. She finally agreed. I hope she is ok.

I read Needful Things after talking to my girlfriend. I was reading about a character in the story named Brian Russ. Brian is an eleven year old boy with a speech problem. He has sex dreams about his twenty-four year old teacher Sally Radcliff. Anyway Brian is curios about the new shop opening up in Castle Rock.  He finds a out he is in front of the store Needful Things. There is a sign on the door that says open.  He also meets the owner Lelaand Gaunt.Gaunt invites the boy in to his ultimate doom.

I read for about an hour then get ot sleepy. I think I got in bed by ten ten thirty. I was pretty tired but couldn’t sleep. My night has already been told. On

1:47pm I was in a lot of pain this morning. Arthritis in my left leg was very bad. On a scale of one to five it was a five. They say sleep is the best medicine for arthritis. I slept a good deal just to escape from the pain. Later on I think the nurse gave me a Tylenol and that did the trick

I tried to read my book Needful Things. I read more about Brian Russ and his time with Leland Gaunt. This Gaunt character is very strange. He has a strange shop with all kinds of interesting items. Gaunt shows Brian a piece of wood that has a strange power. It is supposed to be from Noah’s Ark. Then the man finds out that Brian likes to collect baseball cards. Brian discovers a 1956 autographed board to Brian by Sandy Kolfax. The card is with some money but Gaunt sells it for $.86. But that is only part of the price. Later on Brian learns that he must perform a trick on a neighbor that will cost Brian his soul.

I didn’t get very far in the book. I wasn’t feeling very well and got very tired. Like I said I slept on and off until lunch. For lunch I had roast pork with mashed potatoes and gravy, zucchini and pears for desert. I had two cups of cooked and a glass of fruit punch. Lunch perked me up and put me in a much better mood. Life is good.

8:30pm I had a good afternoon with no arthritis pain or incontinence episodes.  I spent most of the time reading Needful Things. I read until supper. It wasn’t much to brag about but I ate e it. I then chatted with Chocolatechip. We talked for a long time on Messenger. Somehow she attracted bb. They were on her bedding the other night. Chocolatechip and her caregiver spy ayec her bed several times. So far she hasn’t seen anymore bb. But she did see roaches on her microwave.  She sprayed the kitchen with roach killer. She works hard to keep her place clean then she gets bugs. Chocolatechip said she will tell George in the morning.

She said she felt a bit down about having bugs. Not your fault I said they are coming in from other sources. OT is invested with every kind of bug imaginabl you can’t have anyone in your apt without contacting bugs. If you ask if they have bugs they will lie anyways. I hope she doesn’t lose her furniture because of some dirty asshole.

I picked up my book again after talking to my girlfriend. I read for a couple hours. The story mentionedany characters from Castle Rock. Most of them  end up in Needful Things and involved in some kind of Devil’s bargain with Leland Gaunt. For example, there is Polly Chalmers. She is a business owner herself. On opening day she goes to Gaunt with a chocolate cake welcoming to town Polly also suffers from severe arthritis. Gaunt noticed this and hd plans for Polly.

I also subscribed to the NYT on my Kindle. I looked at the front page headlines. I want to get back to reading the paper. But the news is so depressing. I did manBe to skim the headlines. They had a lot of stories about that mass shooting in Buffalo, NY. Ten people were shot to death. I just couldn’t get into details because it was so sad.

It is 9:10 now. I’ve been in this chair for over 15 hrs. I’m not tired though. I want to read more I will probably be up late tonight. reading .


















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May 18, 2022

Your lunch sounds good…makes me hungry!!

The book sounds interesting…will have to see if I can find it on my Kindle.

May 18, 2022

@happyathome I found it on my Kindle It is a very good book

I can identify with the boy in Needful Things bc I too stutter. It is bloody annoying…