I feel cute today, but I feel so crazy




Hellooo Dexter! Lookin good! Fly Snail! Fly!!!!!

23 Days. and counting…

So my hair is cute today. I should have taken a picture. It was REALLY CUTE before I went out into the wind.

I experimented with my flat iron and curling up the ends (and straightening the parts that had started to go crazy fuzzy… stupid fake hair!)  and then I braided it. When I unbraided this morning it was all wavy and super shiny and cute.

but the wind has raped my hair and now it’s just sorta kinda wavy and blah.

Oh well. I still feel cute!

Last night I went home to make my beef and it had gone bad.


I’m sorta fed up with beef and eating more and more chicken. but nothing can replace a good juicy steak every now and again!

I think I deleted a fav on accident. but I can’t remember who.


Anyway, so I made bootleg orange chicken stir fry something. It needed help. Definitely needed some green onions and to bread and fry the chicken first. And definitely needs to be eaten with rice instead of angel hair pasta.

Lesson Learned. Catalogue for Future Use.

*blip blip blop*

computer compute!

Anyway, after my somewhat failed dinner (I ended up pouring red chili sauce all over it and burning my mouth for a second time, which my body did not like later!) I did my work out for a good hour and a half. I probably burned 500 cals, but I switched to non work out mode during the last 40 minutes, so I’m not sure.

I’m able to do most routines on difficult, so I feel all super cool.

This weekend is game day at my dads so I can compare my skills with my sister.

We get so competitive.

I want to be better than her.

ha ha.

I’m lame, wanting to beat a 19 year old at Dance Dance Revolution.

har har.

Anyway, then I talked to Baboo for a little while.

I tried to convince him to come over, but it was a no go.

I am a brat and want more sex.

I’m in heat.

need need want want.

i masturbated twice and went to be unsatisfied.

I really REALLY need to be kissed. Like long make out session kisses.

It sucks that I have to negotiate kisses out of my boyfriend. We have to plan and prepare and it’s a big stupid deal instead of a natural occurance.

I hate that we both get tired and sex is like a quickie all the time.

I long for a marathon session.

I read a fav who had a bunch of sex.

sex on sex on sex.

for a whole day.

I remember doing that.

Sex, rest, sex, rest, eat, sex, nap, sex, sex, sex, eat some more, rest, sex sex sex… mmmm sexxxxxxx.

Of course, the memories are clouded with bitter sweet toxic death memories of the times spent with "you know who" … the haunter of my thoughts the last few days. and then I just want to scream and bury a hatchet in my brain.

Speaking of haunting.

There must be some crazy planet alignment going on, cuz lots of people from my past are contacting me. It’s disconcerting. I feel like something is going to happen.


I have a mini brownie in front of me.

I didn’t really want it, but I hate saying no when people feel all happy offering stuff.

I know how it feels to bring something in tow ork and feel all proud that you are sharing.

Or maybe that’s just me.

anyway, I took it and I might just have it with lunch.

I forgot the bread I wanted to make toast with today.



I can have some Honey bunches of Oats, but I have no bowl.

and eating a pile of cereal makes people stop and stare into my cube like I’m an alien.

So what if I’m an alien, they don’t have to look at me like I am!!!!

Thoughts on top of thoughts.

things reminding me of people who have slipped from my life like sand through my fingers.

the fact that I’ve hung on to you (my favs for longer than 2 years) is quite a feat.

I’m a pro at losing people.

At dodging long term.

Of hiding myself.

It’s easy here to be open and free.

but I often wonder what some really think of me.

If they think I’m just lame or dumb or stupid sauce. but quite the amusing wreck of a life, can’t stop looking, pass the popcorn.

Don’t we all have that?

I don’t know.

So anyway, Baboo might come over tonight. We have a movie to watch called "Hellevator: Bottle of Fools". It’s foreign and will either have really bad dubbing or sub-titles.

I hate watching sub-titles on my small tv, so we may endup watching in my living room.

i need a couch.

I want a big fluffy comfy one.

Maybe next year.

always next year.

I want an ipod and I just might buy one for my second birthday present.

My first birthday present is my Vegas trip.

and to honor 3, my third present will be a nice new outfit to wear there when we go out to the clubs.

IF we go out to the clubs. I keep going back and forth. I really want to experience it, but it’s a lot of money to get the passes for 3 (150 bucks) and the atmosphere might make me go crazy (waaaaay too many people!!!) and maybe I should just leave it alone.

but I really want to. (wanna go to the Palms and hit all the clubs and bars there, you can get a pass for all three!)

I guess it’ll depend on Baboo. (and how much money he puts in… ha ha)

i asked him if he was excited and he said he had to NOT BE excited right now. Because it’ll take over his brain and he won’t sleep.

he’s such a cute lunatic.

super cute.

Yeah yeah, he’s been at my house for 2 nights, but I missed him last night. I tossed and turned and flopped around my bed til almost midnight because he wasn’t there.

So many things I want to say to him, but I always lose the nerve.

the nerve to speak and make it known.


anyway… i might pick him up tonight. I don’t kow what I’ll feed him (the temptation to go out to eat is so BIG… ugh!) but we might go eat somewhere.

but then I’m gonna make him go home with me and kiss my neck and run his fingers softly across my chest and pull me close and make soft sweet love to me.

that’s what I want.

I bet he won’t.

We’ll fuck and it’ll be delicious, but it won’t be soft and sweet filled with long lingering kisses and our breath mixing together and staring at each other in heavy syrupy thick moments where we just merge our spirits together and just combust.


i need that from him right now, he just doesn’t know.

Oh well.

I’m supposed to be working.



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random;you should’ve taken a picture of your cute hair!ddr is so much fun ♥ haven’t played it in ages.that’s nice of whoever to give you a brownie :)when are you going to vegas? lucky!lol. i can’t sleep when i’m so excited either :Dyou should talk to him about what you want!xoxo

March 25, 2009

i bet you’ll beat your sister you kick DDR butt!!

March 25, 2009

the hard stuff is great.. but sometimes I need the long slow soft and smooth. That was us last night

March 25, 2009

Tell him what you need!!!

I agree. Tell him what you need!!! And. I would never pass up a brownie. Yummm. 🙂

March 25, 2009

You should tell him what you want… I know I’d love to do that if I were in his place… so very much fun.

March 25, 2009

The only one, I want to experience those moments with, (that you’d described above), is Phillip! I Want to have, every Earth Shattering Soul Experience, with Him! He’s the only one, that…I feel I want to have that, “Intense Connection” with! (There’ve been times, when…he’s given me, slow, lingering kisses!) (During the first beginning months that we were together.) I could just tell that, he

March 25, 2009

…was being really tender with those kisses! And, I really liked them! 🙂 Lol. (Although, I’ll go for a mad frenzied kiss, any day too!) 😉 🙂 Lol. Love It! And yeah…I can relate, to what you mean, about it seeming that the people from your past, are coming our of nowhere, and contacting you again! (I’m tending to have that thought, about, the Other F-cker, and keep getting the “paranoid and

March 25, 2009

suspicious feeling, that…”He’s gonna creep up on me again, someday!” (Sure, just…last night…I think it was…I went to FaceBook, and…when I’d again seen that…I’d had 2 messages, in my inbox there, apart of me had jolted with a startled and frightened jump a bit, at the thought of it possibly being Him, trying to contact me again!) (Mind You…a dew days, before Phillip had went to The

March 25, 2009

Village Mall…He’d Seen Jason There!) So…my paranoia and suspicion about him…may be…sorta Valid there! *Sigh!* So…Talk About Someone’s Memory, Hauntin Ya! And then, having it, AGAIN, Particially come into Fruition! Yuck! “Shudders!” Anyway… Ummm…Yeah… I hate when that happens with my hair too, when I have it done, nicely, and cutely enough, and then the f-ckin Wind gets at it,

March 25, 2009

and, tries to blow it all to hell, on ya! UGH! It’s annoying! (That KINDA happened to me today, but only slightly!) So, Meh…Whatever! Lol. But Yeah…would’ve been nice to have seen it! 🙂 Lol.

i want sex on sex on sex on sex and then repeat. =(

RYN: I’d be ashamed if I told everyone that I love to listen to Britney Spears….

“I am a brat and want more sex.I’m in heat. need need want want. i masturbated twice and went to be unsatisfied.” Yummy…something about imagining you masturbating…so hot…do you do it while watching porn or just lay in bed and do it..

March 25, 2009

Go back and see the photos. I fixed ’em. 🙂

I love reading your diary. I don’t think you’re crazy. Just amazingly entertaining. 😀

March 25, 2009

i woulda loved to see the hair too, I used to hae braids all the time but now im done with those things they are such a pain to sit through getting and then takin them out, ugh… lol its cool that u have game night with ur fam, wish my fam did that hmmph. anyways, time to start my day, hope u get lucky with ur man tonight! 🙂

March 25, 2009

now i’m craving brownies! chocolate chunk to be exact!

March 25, 2009

I want marathon sex too. When Katherine is here all the time though, I only get those quick O O O YEAH now get off me. 🙁