About My Child

Hi! How you probably good know yesterday were my 15th birthdays. Last night I was talk on GG with my friend Anny. She start the conversation:
-Hi Mango! Happy Birthday my lovely SiS, great boyfriend, lot of lucky and all what U want!!!
-Hello SiS thx :*
We speaking and in one second she started talking about "My Child" xD Last holidays my friends from Hungary were in Tarnow, and my mum, uncle and Kate are going for travel and I stay only with my grandparents and Pandora in Tarnow. After week my friends come back to home so I wasn`t happy. "How I can be happy when He is about 575km from me?! It`s unfair!"-I write in my diary. After some days my mum come back and spoke:
-I have hope that you was good girl when we are in travel. You know that now I don`t want to have grandchildren.
-OK, but why you didn`t tell me it before you go away from Tarnow?-I was joking but she didn`t see it.
-Goska! You are pregnant?
-No, of course that no.
-I think so! I won`t bring up your child.-In this moment my grandma come to my room:
-Easy Gosia you can always send it to his/her father. Of course if you have his address.
-I have to tell you about one important think. I`m NOT pregnant. LOL! I`m virgin so I can`t be pregnant! I`m not Maria God`s Mother!
So my mum was really happy about it. But I tell Anny about it,  she write to me:
-You forget about one important think!
-About what?
-Now you can do sex 😛 You are 15 ;D Of course only with people who are 15 (or more) too xD- I remember well when we fund on IT classes map with age of consent. 
-Yeah, boys in our school are so sexy and beautiful and I always dreamt about go to bed with one of them! <lol2>:P Any examples?
-Yes of course xD Mateusz, Michal, Jacek and hyymmm boys from 3rd class?
-So what? Mateusz look like "Greece God"
-LOL I remember it well!
-Yeah, it was on match classes on least year xD
-I remember how looked at us Habda when we started laughing.
-Yeah Michal is like priest and it will be really exciting ;D
-LOL Michal naked! Heh I saw him in swimming trunks and I don`t saw anything exciting…
-OK Jacek is so horrible xD
Anny is really crazy xD I remember that one day on match she seat with me (to your information Maciek and Marcin are sitting in 2nd desk and I`m sitting in 3rd one)and we were speaking about everything and Maciek was eavesdrop, so we want to make him joke. She ask me:
-So did you choice name for your child?
-No, I haven`t got any idea.
He turn back to me
-You are pregnant?
-Why you ask?
He make "big eyes" and look at me he look quite sad so I spoke
-Anny we are the best jokes on the world!
-It was joke?-He can`t image in it.
-Yes, it is joke stupid eavesdropper! Anny give five!

Oh from this day Maciek don`t eavesdrop our conversations and My Child became really popular LOL! But when I watched all episodes of 16 and pregnant I come to conclusions that have babe and be teenager is horrible. It is stupid for me to go to bed with man and don`t use condoms! Of course if you want to have children… 😉 But I don`t tell anything because I`m virgin and I haven`t boyfriend. But I really want to have nice, smart boyfriend, who don`t think only about sex. It`s stupid for me, to be with somebody for sex. Maybe you think that  I`m another or childish or old-fashioned or orthodox Catholic girl, but you are false! I have only my opinion ;D

Bye Bye XXX

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February 15, 2010

I’m trying to find open diary friends from around the world and I saw your dairy. It seemed interesting.

oh my gosh, you are so adorable… watching “16 and pregnant” (yet another American “contribution” to the whole world, I think – NOT one to be proud of) This is a wonderfully sweet entry… and it is made even better by my having to read very carefully to make sure I am understanding exactly what you are saying. Still reading more…