Mucus inside me…

Actually I don’t know what to write about…
Sorry about my last entry, I just felt so bad and needed to write about that.
I am getting into bad point…
Going down, down and down…

Since I remember I always needed to put on weight.
And when I finally started doing it, I felt like I can’t.
I am afraid that I’ll be too fat and look like elephant.
I know that it’s stupid thinking!
And that I shouldn’t, because I’ll go into anorexia. I know, really 🙂
What’s the hardest, sometimes I look into the mirror and see my body fatter than in real…
I am so sick of it. Because I am just sitting in my room and reminding myself that I look good.

I loose weight. Again!
Two weeks ago it was 48kg.
Yesterday it was 46,1kg!
I am afraid.
I am eating ALL THE TIME and take pills for this problem, but nothing helps me 🙁
Sorry I am putting there my problems again.
Sorry guys 🙂

But there is good news!!
Maciek is going to visit me on Monday ^.^
I don’t feel strong enough to go for a walk, so we are going to watch films and play my mascots ^^

A lot of mucus in my lungs… -.-”

Need to go.

I am afraid…
But still love You guys!


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Feel better!

Don’t apologize for writing what you do in your own diary. It’s fine. It’s a good place to write anything and everything. Sorry to hear of some of the news. Hopefully Maciek will help your spirits some on Monday. *HUGS*