
I still don’t have any date for moving back to my apartment. I went over there yesterday and got some more clothing including a sweater since it got pretty chilly here yesterday. I spoke to the manager on the phone yesterday and he said the professional clean-up people were going to be back yesterday and he would call me after he had talked to them. He didn’t. So, I am going to go to my apartment today  and I will go to the office and see if I can talk to him face to face.

 I really don’t mind if I don’t have a definite date at this point. But I would like a general one so I have something to look forward to. I mentioned my physical inability to move stuff back where I had it and he said if the clean-up people didn’t do it to my satisfaction, he would get one of the complex’s work people to do it . I also mentioned mold and he assured me that the clean-up people would check for it. The only thing I didn’t like was that he said the air conditioner had to be left on while I was out of the apartment to keep the temperature low– I guess to discourage mold? Up until now, I have barely turned on the AC at all since the apartment seems to be very well insulated. This month, my electricity bill will be higher than usual! But I do understand the necessity for it since I  had previously lived in the South for 30 years.

I am going to go back to the apartment today and pick up my mail. And I bet there are a couple of boxes from Amazon for me at the office too. Well, actually, I think the only thing I am expecting are some Turner Classic Movies … As well as mail, I am going to empty the refrigerator. I know there are some apples that need to be eaten before they go bad and there is also some cheese I will bring over to Jake’s house, too. Stuff in the freezer will be fine.

Tomorrow will be my birthday and Jake is taking me out for dinner. The day after that I start the physical therapy schedule which will be twice a week for six weeks which will take me up to the end of June.

More later…







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How frustrating to have to wait on people…but you don’t want mold, so I guess you have to wait for them to make sure everything is dry…good luck!

May 14, 2013

it is frustrating to have to wait but better to wait than have mold. i never saw mold when i lived in colorado. i have seen it here but not much at my house. angela used to have it all the time in her bathroom but for some reason it’s not forming on the walls or ceiling anymore. maybe cause they leave the window open in the bathroom year round and the steam can escape.? if i forget tomorrow, happy birthday! take care,

May 14, 2013

The A/C probably also helps mitigate the humidity. You can probably also submit part of your electric bill to the insurance company if you are submitting a claim. What a pain … especially since you just barely got mostly settled in.

May 14, 2013

I was just going to say why should you have to pay that extra electric bill? I hope there is some way to make up that bill since it wasn’t your fault they need to run it! I sure hope you are all cleaned up and back into your place soon. *HUGS*

May 14, 2013

I am sure that the professional cleaning people will do a fantastic job. I have been looking into them since I had been looking for someone to do a good & thorough cleaning of the carpets. They specialize in an assortment of things (cleaning, fire restoration, water clean-up, crime scene clean-up, and some do have mold remediation). I am assuming that given their circumstances, they will need to have the appropriate certifications (they are required here in IL). Stinks about the A/C having to be on, but hopefully there will be some resolve toward who will be paying at least a portion of the bill, which will likely be elevated.

May 14, 2013

I’m sure they want the ac on to help dry the air out… the drier it is, the faster everything will dry and the less likely it is to mould up. Hope you can get back into it soon though! This has got to be frustrating for you… (huggles)

May 14, 2013

Happy Birthday and I hope your apartment is quickly and properly restored. 🙂 – – – –

May 14, 2013

The apartment complex should be liable for part of your electric bill, like they are for the clean-up of the water damage. Talk to the office about that too. If I don’t get back tomorrow (or if I manage to forget), Happy Birthday tomorrow!!! Hope it is a good one, and that you have many more.

May 14, 2013

Hope you get back soon; has to be hard since it was not due to your problem but another’s.

Happy Birthday! Sorry you are having to deal with this. 🙁

May 14, 2013

Oh you share a birthday with my mum – happy birthday for tomorrow! Gosh what an experience to go through – I hope they get everything back in apple pie order for you soon.

May 14, 2013

It sucks that you are out of your new home so soon. I hope you get sorted soon and don’t have any mold or anything that can make you sick. More than anything I hope you have a lovely birthday in spite of it all. All the best Patrisha.

May 14, 2013

I would run a dehumidifier for a long time to dry things out. Request periodic air quality testing to detect any mold growth. A friend had a similar situation, did mold removal/remediation, & continues to have the air testing done to detect any recurring mold spore growth. Living with mold can cause dire respiratory problems. Please be careful with your health! Take care.

May 14, 2013

Happy Happy Birthday – and never a dull moment shall darken your door!

Happy Birthday!

May 15, 2013